CMA CGM INDIA loads helicopter as part of its EPIC 2 service
July 18, 2018: CMA CGM INDIA loaded, for the first time, a helicopter on board one of the vessels operating the EPIC 2 service for final destination London Gateway. The helicopter was loaded at BMCT (PSA) - Nhava Sheva. The shipment weighed 4 MT with dimensions of 13.6 m X 3.05 m X 3.7 m.

July 18, 2018: CMA CGM INDIA loaded, for the first time, a helicopter on board one of the vessels operating the EPIC 2 service for final destination London Gateway. The helicopter was loaded at BMCT (PSA) - Nhava Sheva. The shipment weighed 4 MT with dimensions of 13.6 m X 3.05 m X 3.7 m.
CMA CGM provides tailor-made solutions to Out Of Gauge (OOG), non containerisable and heavy lift cargoes. CMA CGM Group is a pioneer in the transportation of breakbulk and project cargo. It has in the past successfully executed many breakbulk cargo and over dimensional cargo in and out of India like luxury yachts, earth moving equipment, industrial boilers, Transformers and various turn key projects.
In 2017, CMA CGM transported more than 850 breakbulk projects and 220,000 TEUs of OOG worldwide. The group also specialises in offering value added services to its customers which include, executing the first and last mile connectivity from the manufacturing to the consumption site with 100 per cent cargo value protection under “Cargo Value Serenity “.