JNCH extends port gate to ICD Mulund and ICD Tarapur to ease evacuation from JNPT

Jawaharlal Nehru Customs House (JNCH) in Nhava Sheva issued two public notices last week to declare both ICD Mulund;

Update: 2020-04-13 11:35 GMT
Approved by Concor, the two Inland Container Depots are strategically located for importers in Mumbai and industries based in Gujarat

April 13, 2020: Jawaharlal Nehru Customs House (JNCH) in Nhava Sheva issued two public notices last week to declare both ICD Mulund & ICD Tarapur as 'Extended Port Gate' of Jawaharlal Nehru Port Trust (JNPT) to help evacuate DPD boxes from the port.

Owned by Concor and Viraj Group respectively, the two Inland Container Depots are strategically located for importers in Mumbai and industries based in Gujarat.

"CONCOR shall also act as a Service Provider in trans-shipping and handling Containers and supply of rakes for carriage of containers with the objective of evacuating containers en bloc by Rail. CONCOR shall move the DPD-DPD containers from all the Terminals of JNPT to 1CD Mulund for the purpose of delivery to the Importer. The delivery shall be made to the importer at ICD Mulund only after Out of Charge is given at JNCH. JNPT shall also coordinate with Terminal Operators in effectively utilizing the Extended Port Gate, says the JNCH release regarding ICD Mulund.


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