Mar 03, 2017: Airport Authority of India (AAI) has registered with GRIHA (Green Rating for Integrated Habitat Assessment) for the New Integrated Terminal Building at Tirupati Airport. AAI is also committed to adopt green building norms in upcoming projects/buildings. It is indeed a proud moment for AAI that New Integrated Terminal building at Tirupati Airport has been conferred with a 4-star GRIHA rating, stated a release.
Some of the salient features adopted in the New Integrated Terminal building at Tirupati Airport are energy efficient and eco-friendly material like fly ash bricks, low heat gain glass, LED lighting, and energy efficient chillers, low VOC Paints (Volatile Organic Compound), rain water harvesting, low heat gain glazing, re-use of treated water (600 KLD STP), double insulated roofing system, VFD’s (Variable Frequency Drive) for high capacity motors.
GRIHA is mandated to promote development of buildings and habitats in India. GRIHA Council an independent platform for the interaction on scientific and administrative issues related to sustainable habitats in the Indian subcontinent.
It was founded by TERI (The Energy and Resources Institute, New Delhi) with support from MNRE (Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Government of India). It is mandatory for all upcoming public sector building to aim for at least 3-star GRIHA ratings as per directive by Secretary, Government of India, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy.