WoW Express forays into diagnostics logistics

August 10, 2018: WoW Express has expanded its business to move human body fluids and blood samples from collection centres to central diagnostic labs through a new venture, Wow Health Express.;

Update: 2018-08-10 09:43 GMT
WoW Express enters into diagnostics logistics

August 10, 2018: WoW Express has expanded its business to move human body fluids and blood samples from collection centres to central diagnostic labs through a new venture, Wow Health Express.

According to reports, the logistics start-up has tied up with 10 large diagnostic companies over the past six months, and currently collects 2,000 samples a day from 60 resource centres across eight cities.

With an integrated app-based system, a centralised diagnostic centre can make advance preparations for tests, as it will be informed about the number of samples being collected and the exact time it will reach the centre. 

WoW Express staff is also equipped to carry cash from the collection centres to the centralised diagnostic centres.

Wow Health Express has plans to enhance its client base to 30 from the current 10 and also aims to move 50,000 samples a day.


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