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With global pharma revenues totalling $1.48 trillion in 2022 (Statista) and the Indian pharma industry $50 billion (IBEF), we are putting under scrutiny the quality of the logistics infrastructure that supports it. Over $25 billion of the Indian pharma value comes from exports (IBEF) and the sector was under global stress for the quality of its products. How far will the supply chain industry be able to help?
Prepare to delve into the complex world of compliance within India's booming pharma logistics sector and don't miss this opportunity to gain a comprehensive understanding of compliance.
At this year's GPLS, we will be asking the burning question: how sensitive are the logistics professionals/companies towards the concerns of their shippers and shipments? How far are logistics service providers complying with the existing regulations on pharma movements? What are the gaps observed by the shippers/customers? Is it the infrastructure of the workforce or the SoPs that need to be upgraded?
Hospitals, the providers of healthcare services and who are often at the receiving end of supply chain gaps, demand attention not only from drug manufacturers but also from supply chain professionals. What is the role that the logistics industry can play in reducing their pain points?
The presentation will discuss the post-Covid impact on the rapidly changing global temperature supply chain. This mark in history is bringing about the fastest changes in the supply chain and how the new directions will impact every service provider. It will also discuss the powerful drivers forcing change at a pace never experienced before.
Counterfeits and damages of pharma shipments are a perennial problem in the pharma industry. How logistics and tech companies can solve this problem. Is blockchain the final answer? How far can government regulations intervene and where are the gaps left open?
Three seasoned leaders in the global supply chain will explore the need and opportunities for digital innovation in supply chain - innovation not just in technology, but also other levers of the business model. They will also discuss the lessons learned from their broad experience.
*Subject to Change