Indian Transport & Logistics

Maersk’s OceanPro accelerates technology innovation in shipping, logistics

Mar 15, 2019: OceanPro, the first of its kind start-up accelerator within the shipping and logistics industry by Maersk, has announced the graduation of its first cohort of startups in Bangalore.

With the first mile delivery reefer service coupled with their remote control management (RCM) solution, Maersk offered the exporter a one-stop solution in logistics.
With the first mile delivery reefer service coupled with their remote control management (RCM) solution, Maersk offered the exporter a one-stop solution in logistics.

Mar 15, 2019: OceanPro, the first of its kind start-up accelerator within the shipping and logistics industry by Maersk, has announced the graduation of its first cohort of startups in Bangalore. Through OceanPro, Maersk is looking to propel and nurture innovation among start-ups in India by providing them real-world business scenarios to engage with and assisting them with seed funding, industry expertise, and co-development opportunities. In the process, Maersk aims to leverage this innovation to accelerate its own digital transformation as the leading global integrator of container logistics.

The first cohort consisted of 7 startups: Zasti (artificial intelligence), Inatrix (machine learning), MintM (computer vision), KrypC (blockchain), LinkedDots (IoT), LaVela Pictures (virtual reality) and Dhruv (data mining). These start-ups provided solutions incorporating new age technologies including AI, VR, Blockchain, IoT and among others. These solutions address wide range of subjects ranging from customer experience, digital training, and equipment maintenance to tracking the intermodal location of a container on a real-time basis. Each of the solutions will help improve services for Maersk customers in India and globally, making India a hub for enabling the digital transformation of container logistics.

Maersk’s global CEO, Soren Skou, who recently visited Bangalore and had a chance to interact with these startups, said, “Maersk is excited to partner with startups to further the innovation eco-system in India and bring innovative digital products to our customers. Over the last couple of years, we have made strides in regard to digitising how our customers engage with Maersk for obtaining a quote or for making a booking, and we are committed to accelerating that agenda and simplifying the supply chain of our customers.”

OceanPro was set up in late 2018 and is championed by Sriram Narayanasami, global commercial process head, Maersk. Speaking about his experiences working with startups, Sriram mentioned, “We are creating opportunities for startups in India to participate in innovation for the logistics and shipping industry and do so at a global scale. Combining the deep knowledge we possess in serving customers in India & globally, with the passion, technical innovation and speed that our start-ups bring, we will be able to create a win-win for our customers and the startups.”

Based in Bengaluru, the OceanPro will also focus on building partnerships with other accelerators, universities, venture capital partners and the broader startup ecosystem.

Commenting on the showcase, Maersk’s chief transformation officer and head of its global service centres, Navneet Kapoor stated, “India is home to some of the best technical talent in the world and the start-up eco-system here is at par with that in the Silicon Valley, London, and Israel. We are truly excited to be working with some of the sharpest minds in this geography and then applying the solutions we come up with to solve customer needs and for within company opportunities, across the world.” is currently among the world’s largest B2B transaction sites with average hourly revenue of $1.3 million. 98 percent of Maersk’s 60,000 customers make their bookings through this site which is fast evolving into a one-stop-shop for digital solutions.

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