PSA India terminals achieve record monthly throughputs of 257,347 TEUs
January 6, 2021: PSA India achieved a record volume of 257,347 TEUs for the month of December 2020, with PSA Chennai joining PSA Mumbai in setting its own record monthly high of 93,514 TEUs.

January 6, 2021: PSA India achieved a record volume of 257,347 TEUs for the month of December 2020, with PSA Chennai joining PSA Mumbai in setting its own record monthly high of 93,514 TEUs.
The arrival of the M.V Wan Hai 507 at PSA Mumbai on January 3, 2021, as part of the joint Wan Hai Lines / Interasia Lines CI2 / ICI service marked the terminal’s latest addition to its services – its 7th weekly service call and its 5th direct Far East service.
Mike Formoso, managing director of PSA India, said, “All PSA India terminals operated uninterrupted throughout 2020, handling every scheduled vessel call and many more unscheduled ones, thanks to the unstinting efforts of our staff, contractors and stakeholders working steadfastly and safely alongside each other. We are also grateful for the great support from our customers and users of all our terminals. With this new service call from Wan Hai and Interasia Lines, 2021 is off to a strong start and we will also soon see new products and developments for PSA India, including enhancements of the ODEX digital online payment solution earlier launched in September 2020.”
Sivakumar Kaliannan, managing director of PSA Mumbai, said, “We are immensely grateful to Wan Hai Lines and Interasia Lines for entrusting a second service to us with the arrival of the CI2/ICI, soon after the launch of their CI6 service in December. December was an extra special month for us, as PSA Mumbai reached its highest ever monthly throughput of 94,728 TEU.”
Wan Hai Lines spokesman said, “PSA Mumbai is equipped with the latest technology to offer customers fast turnaround of their vessels and is also well-connected by major highways and rail networks to key markets in Maharashtra, Gujarat, and the National Capital Region of India. By further strengthening its current service scope among India and Far East corridors, PSA Mumbai will enhance Wan Hai Lines’ market coverage to better serve customers’ needs. CI2 service is jointly operated with Interasia Lines (IAL) by using 6 vessels with a nominal capacity of 4,250 TEU, 4 deployed by Wan Hai Lines and 2 vessels by IAL. With its friendly working atmosphere, the two services (CI2 and CI6) will now offer better service to customers in Nhava Sheva operating from PSA Mumbai.”
Interasia Line spokesman commented, “We are glad to take our global relationship with PSA one step forward by commemorating our ICI service at PSA Mumbai, giving us an edge to meet customer satisfaction with enhanced operational efficiency and move count per hour. We look forward to lay down several milestones of success and growth together.”