JNPA records highest-ever throughput of 5.68 million TEUs in FY2022
BMCT handled 12.4 lakh TEUs, NSIGT 11.8 lakh, APMT 18.6 lakh, NSICT 9.4 lakh and JNPCT 4.4 lakh TEUs.

Sanjay Sethi, chairman, JNPA
Jawaharlal Nehru Port Authority (JNPA) handled 5.68 million TEUs during FY 2021-22 against 4.68 mllion TEUs in 2020-21, a 21.55 percent increase. This performance is the highest ever at Jawaharlal Nehru Port for any financial year compared to 5.13 TEUs in 2018-19.
The total traffic handled at JNPA during the April-2021 to March-2022 of the FY 2021-22 is 76 million tonnes, which is 17.26 percent higher as against 64.81 million tonnes for the same period of last year.
In terms of TEUs, out of the total container traffic handled at JNPA during FY 2021-22, 1,244,694 TEUs were handled at BMCT; 1,186,181 TEUs at NSIGT; 1,865,587 TEUs at APMT; 947,887 TEUs at NSICT and 440,210 TEUs at JNPCT.
During FY 2021-22, JNPA handled 6,278 container rakes and 1,007,667 TEUs as compared to 6,092 rakes and 921,512 TEUs in previous year. Also, during FY 2021-22 two container terminals i.e. NSIGT and BMCT crossed 1 Million TEUs mark for first time by handling 1.186 Million TEUs and 1.245 Million TEUs, registering annual growth of 52.12% & 33.39% respectively.
Sanjay Sethi, IAS, chairman, JNPA, said, "JNPA's exceptional performance of handling 5.68 million TEUs during FY 2021-22 is a token of port's consistent efforts and commitment to providing best services to our clients and stakeholders. JNPA is committed to its role in maintaining the nation's economic growth trajectory."