MSC smashes India's heavy-lift cargo record with a 140-ton transformer
This is the heaviest ever breakbulk parcel moved by container ship from India, surpassing MSC’s previous record. The transformer is destined for a greenfield power transmission development project in Zambia

MSC India achieved another milestone in project cargo shipping solutions, with the loading of a 140-ton transformer on MSC Regina from the port of Mundra, India recently.
This is the heaviest ever breakbulk parcel moved by container ship from India, surpassing MSC's previous record. The transformer is destined for a greenfield power transmission development project in Zambia.
MSC's previous heavy-lift record was for the loading of a 115-ton transformer in 2018 at Port of Nhava Sheva. India is catching up with countries such as China, Germany, South Korea, and the USA, where pieces of more than 200 tons have already been loaded successfully on container vessels. Lifting gears were used to make this a successful loading using the right combination of special equipment.
Putting onboard a 140-ton parcel is a substantial process and requires immense focus and precision."MSC has always put the customer at the center of its business, including providing access to dedicated project cargo equipment to ensure the loading goes smoothly. Our teams demonstrated excellent teamwork and ensured synchronized coordination between the terminals, operations teams, stevedores, technical surveyors, and the shipper to analyze all the technical aspects of the loading. We extend a special note of thanks to members of the team at Adani Mundra Terminal who extended their cooperation as always. This entire operation was completed in the allotted berthing window, enabling us to maintain the vessel's service schedule. The success of this operation has opened new doors for MSC to also cater to the heavy cargo category on container ships," cited a press release.
- MSC Indiacargo shipping solutionsMundrabreakbulk parcelcontainer shippower transmission development projectZambiaheavy-lift recordtransformerIndiacontainer vesselsproject cargo equipmentloadingLifting gearsterminalsoperations teamsstevedorestechnical surveyorsshipperAdani Mundra Terminalallotted berthing windowMSCcontainer ships