SpiceJet moves children’s cancer drugs across the nation free of cost
May 20, 2020: SpiceJet carried more than 550 kg of essential cancer medicines free of cost from Delhi to Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai and Bengaluru across India on its four freighter flights for children suffering from the disease.

May 20, 2020: SpiceJet carried more than 550 kg of essential cancer medicines free of cost from Delhi to Mumbai, Kolkata, Chennai and Bengaluru across India on its four freighter flights for children suffering from the disease.
This was upon the request from AAI Cargo Logistics and Allied Services Company (AAICLAS), a subsidiary of Airports Authority of India, and CanKids KidsCan, an NGO. The airline used its Boeing 737 freighter and passenger aircraft to transport these essential medicines.
Ajay Singh, chairman & managing director, SpiceJet, said, “SpiceJet is privileged to have helped carry essential cancer medicines for kids bravely battling the disease and we will be honoured to provide our service for such noble causes always.”
The airline has transported 9000 tons of medical and essential supplies on more than 1364 cargo flights since the nation-wide lockdown began.