Indian Transport & Logistics

You Searched For "IATA"

'There continues to be work on developing a packaging standard that can be used to verify that the package is capable of containing a fire event'

5 March 2022 1:00 PM IST
Regulations need to stay one step ahead of the enforcement, as do regulators. David Brennan, Assistant Director Cargo Safety & Standards, IATA...

Lithium shipments- can the industry get its act together?

4 March 2022 2:51 PM IST
Lithium batteries have been known to cause spontaneous ignition and uncontrollable fire on aircraft. How can the industry fight misdeclaration, wrong...

'The regulation needs to start much earlier in the supply chain, and it must be sufficient to deter bad behaviour'

3 March 2022 11:52 AM IST
Under our #SafetoFly campaign, Guillaume Halleux, Chief Officer Cargo of Qatar Airways talks about compliance, handling of mis-declared or poorly...

'The way forward is a joint approach between the dangerous goods community and the security community'

2 March 2022 12:20 PM IST
What is broken and what can be fixed to ensure visibility and safe transit of Lithium battery shipments? Edwin Boon, Cargo Operational Safety Manager...

'Each entity can only really be responsible for what it can control'

1 March 2022 2:45 PM IST
We kick off our #SafetoFly series with Glyn Hughes, Director General of The International Air Cargo Association (TIACA) who speaks about the role of...

Safe to Fly- A beginning

1 March 2022 1:51 PM IST
'Safety is everybody's business!'Staying true to the spirit of this saying, this March we are taking a moment and flagging off a series called 'Safe...

Etihad Cargo receives IATA CEIV Live Animals certification

1 Feb 2022 7:21 PM IST
Etihad Cargo has been awarded IATA’s Centre of Excellence for Independent Validators (CEIV) for Live Animals. 

2021 air cargo registers 18.7% demand growth, second-biggest since 2010

31 Jan 2022 9:48 AM IST
The International Air Transport Association (IATA) released data for global air freight markets showing that full-year demand for air cargo increased...

IATA awards CEIV Live Animals certification to Qatar Airways Cargo

5 Jan 2022 2:21 PM IST
Following six months of intense process and product audits, Qatar Airways Cargo today announced that its strict adherence to the highest standards and...

63 horses onboard Turkish Cargo from Chicago to Istanbul on natural conditions

3 Jan 2022 4:47 PM IST
Incidentally, the conditions for these horses in the sky were made similar to those in their natural living environments as maximum care was taken by...
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