Indian Transport & Logistics

You Searched For "Air Cargo Africa"

IATA: Airlines’ cargo revenues to fall to $120 billion in 2024

3 Jun 2024 12:00 PM GMT
According to the International Air Transport Association (IATA), airline cargo yields are expected to fall 17.5% in 2024.

air cargo Africa, transport logistic Africa to be held in Feb 2025

30 Jan 2024 4:00 PM GMT
The previous edition of air cargo Africa in 2023 in Johannesburg attracted 60+ exhibitors and 2000+ visitors from 50+ countries, and these figures are...

Global air cargo leaders honoured at ACA 2019 award ceremony in Johannesburg

23 Feb 2019 11:00 AM GMT
February 21, 2019: The hard work of leaders who have set examples and brought major transformations in the global air cargo industry, were...

Messe München to be the new owner of Air Cargo India, Air Cargo Africa

19 Oct 2018 5:58 AM GMT
Oct 19, 2018: Messe München has recently purchased Air Cargo India and Air Cargo Africa from the Indian publishing house STAT Trade Times and is...
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