Indian Transport & Logistics

You Searched For "China"

China launches road-rail freight service to Nepal from Xi’an

25 May 2020 3:56 PM IST
May 25, 2020: China Railway Xi'an Group and China Railway Container Transport together launched a road-rail freight service from Xi'an, China’s...

CEVA launches multimodal Truck–Rail–Truck solution for South East Asia

13 May 2020 10:11 AM IST
May 13, 2020: CEVA Logistics has designed a new multimodal Truck-Rail-Truck (TRT) solution to keep customers’ freight moving in Laos, Malaysia,...

Indian pharma outlook stable as Chinese logistic disruption eases: ICRA

10 May 2020 11:03 AM IST
May 10, 2020: The credit rating agency ICRA has revised its outlook on the Indian pharmaceutical industry to stable from negative in view of the...

SpiceJet carries 14 tonnes of medical supplies from Guangzhou to Delhi

30 April 2020 12:52 PM IST
April 30, 2020: SpiceJet operated its maiden freighter flight carrying around 14 tons of critical medical essentials including medicines and other...

Maersk launches weekly rail service from China to Turkey

29 April 2020 3:33 PM IST
April 29, 2020: Maersk has launched its first rail service from Xi’an, China to Izmit, Turkey.
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