Indian Transport & Logistics

You Searched For "International Air Transport Association"

IATA launches search engine for air cargo infra, services, certifications

10 Sept 2020 11:09 AM IST
September 10, 2020: The International Air Transport Association (IATA) has launched IATA ONE Source, an online search engine platform which helps the...

Indian air cargo moved 40k tonnes agri produce amid lockdown: Vandana Aggarwal

17 July 2020 6:06 PM IST
July 17, 2020: Senior economic advisor to the ministry of civil aviation, Vandana Aggarwal, today said that the Indian air cargo operators have...

Turkish Cargo achieved 16.6% growth in February, highest among best 25

4 May 2020 3:06 PM IST
May 4, 2020: Turkish Cargo achieved the highest growth rate among the best 25 air cargo carriers with 16.6 percent growth rate, according to the...

Global air cargo demand fell by 15% in March; pharma doubled

30 April 2020 4:02 PM IST
April 30, 2020: The global air cargo demand, measured in cargo tonne-kilometres (CTKs), fell by 15.2 percent in March compared to the previous year...

IATA & ITF issues joint statement to seek help for aviation from govts

20 April 2020 9:08 PM IST
April 21, 2020: The International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF) and the International Air Transport Association (IATA) called for support from...

Airlines will burn $61 billion of their cash reserve in April-June quarter: IATA

2 April 2020 2:49 PM IST
April 2, 2020: The International Air Transport Association (IATA) published new analysis showing that airlines may burn through $61 billion of their...
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