Indian Transport & Logistics

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Container xChange launches Insights for data-driven decisions

14 Dec 2022 5:07 PM IST
Poll of over 250 market participants found that 57% spent over two hours finding real-time data

Depots to face brunt of container surplus into 2023: Container xChange

8 Nov 2022 3:30 PM IST
Probable hike in container storage fee to disincentivise longer staying containers at depots

Container xChange launches Container Control to monitor containers

21 Sept 2022 12:50 PM IST
Survey finds 60% freight forwarders and NVOCCs struggle to monitor movement of shipping containers.

Strikes at European ports add to disruptions: Container xChange

30 Aug 2022 6:30 PM IST
Threats of industrial action at Liverpool port & German gateways could add to logistics bottlenecks.

China lockdowns, Russia-Ukraine conflict cloud container outlook

6 April 2022 2:00 PM IST
Conflict to affect container availability globally but it will vary from port to port: Container xChange
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