Indian Transport & Logistics

You Searched For "Port of Salalah"

Visakhapatnam Port makes it to top 20; Asian ports continue to excel

5 Jun 2024 2:18 PM GMT
Global maritime shifts impact container port performance, says the latest Container Port Performance Index (CPPI)

Port of Salalah introduces multimodal alternative to Red Sea route

10 May 2024 8:56 AM GMT
From the Port of Salalah, an in-transit overland route by truck connects to Jeddah located in the safer mid-point of the Red Sea in Saudi Arabia.

Maersk employees deliver fresh water from vessels to ports

11 April 2024 8:08 AM GMT
Project optimises fresh water generation system onboard container vessels to store & deliver it in containers to ports

Maersk completes 1st multimodal sea-air solution via Oman

11 Sep 2023 5:24 AM GMT
Port of Salalah and Salalah Airport become partners of choice for Maersk in executing the solution

Maersk adds Khazaen Dry Port to global network of port calls

22 Nov 2022 7:02 AM GMT
Khazaen Dry Port now bookable on as port of origin or destination
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