Indian Transport & Logistics

Blog - Page 12

Why EV 2, 3 wheelers for last-mile delivery crucial in Southeast Asia

8 July 2021 12:00 AM IST
Compared to the developed countries like the United States or the United Kingdom South EastAsian nations would need to prioritise two and...

Covid-19 made India ready for electric-vehicle mounted last-mile delivery

1 Jun 2021 12:00 AM IST
The sudden and rapid increase in the demand for e-commerce in recent years has been a catalyst for the surge in last-mile services countrywide. The...

How digital freight forwarding is building a reliable, responsive supply chain

7 May 2021 12:00 AM IST
The Suez Canal blockage crisis has been the centre of attention for the entire global transport community for past few weeks. Accounting for over 12...

Using a control tower to achieve your supply chain goals

31 March 2021 12:00 AM IST
To keep up with lofty yet mandatory customer expectations, your supply chain can’t afford to stop investing in technology that improves...

Mobile data capture: easily scalable automation for Indian logistics

23 Feb 2021 12:00 AM IST
Despite the turmoil of 2020, Indian logistics has proven itself resilient. While Covid-19 has exposed some vulnerabilities, it also shone a light on...

How resiliency forms the strongest link in the digital supply chain

8 Feb 2021 12:00 AM IST
Recent times have brought the importance of supply chain resiliency into even sharper focus. Organizations that had already built resilience into both...

How to negotiate with shipping partners: Things you need to know

30 Jan 2021 12:00 AM IST
There’s a lot that goes on in the back offices of e-commerce companies to ensure customers get exactly what they want when they want it

Gaining a sustainable competitive edge with efficient service part logistics: Here's how

9 Jan 2021 12:00 AM IST
Service parts logistics are an important part of a business’s functionality. For a business, it is not only important to manufacture goods and/or...

Bhiwandi: The destination of choice for warehousing and industrial developers

5 Jan 2021 12:00 AM IST
Bhiwandi, situated on the outskirts of Mumbai, is emerging as the largest warehousing location in the region. In the last five years, it has become a...

How can the supply chain finance assist the Make in India moto

12 Dec 2020 12:00 AM IST
Make in India is a government initiative, launched by prime minister Narendra Modi in September 2014. It is now six years’ old, aiming to increase the...

Driving the executional excellence of the continuous supply chain

12 Dec 2020 12:00 AM IST
he ability to execute, seamlessly and in real-time, is critical as your company works to develop a continuous supply chain. Being uniquely capable of...

Last man standing in the Covid aftermath

8 Dec 2020 12:00 AM IST
The initial impact of the pandemic brought the world’s supply chain to a deafening halt. All sectors felt the heat to varying degrees.
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