Page 27 - ITLN JAN-FEB 2022 for Magzter
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ndian Transport & Logistics News from a futuristic lens. "The foundation
organised the 4th edition of Global is laid to deal with the next challenge.
Pharma Logistics Summit in Next-generation has to build on this
IMumbai on November 18, 2021 and foundation and has to keep learning.
it was concluded on a positive note with There is no way back to how we used to
industry leaders asking the logistics operate,” he said.
companies to rise up to the challenge Mritunjoy Tripathy, regional manager
and encouraging them to grab the worldwide sales for the healthcare
opportunity to move pharmaceutical segment, at FedEx Express MEISA, said,
goods and save lives. “When the pandemic hit, our operations
The one-day industry conference was continued non-stop, which ensured that
presented by Cargo Service Center with critical aid and commerce continued to
FedEx, Frankfurt Airport, Turkish Cargo, move throughout the network. We were
Etihad Cargo, Skyways Group and Indian at the forefront to fight the pandemic.
Drug Manufacturers' Association (IDMA) We were pleased to support relief
as partners. efforts and donated three charter flights
While detailing the challenges the to India with materials including oxygen
air cargo community faced during the concentrators, and PPE. The vaccine
Covid-19 pandemic and describing how movement is one of the most important
it has opened new opportunities for the work in the history of FedEx.”
industry, Tushar Jani, chairman, Cargo While responding to the query of
Service Center (CSC), said, "Why can't what were the learnings since COVID
we work forever the way worked during hit the world, Tripathy pointed out two
the Covid-19 pandemic. We were moving things. First, “While moving the critical
cargo to the shipper in 30 minutes. This shipments we understood that flexibility
happens only once in a century.” as one of the key elements,” he noted.
Manoj Singh, SVP & head of cargo, FedEx in India operates through three
Mumbai International Airport, who also gateways which are Delhi, Mumbai, and
detailed his experiences during the Bangalore. They have 22 international
pandemic including his sleepless night flights connecting India every week.
and how he responded to queries and “This gives our customers the
requests from the central government, desired flexibility to move shipments
said, "Not even a single day Mumbai from the country, as well as get critical
Airport took a break during the Covid-19 shipments into the country, including
pandemic. Hats off to all stakeholders the materials used in manufacturing,”
who worked hard to move and prioritise he said.
pharma shipments to fight the Second, he also pointed out safety as
pandemic.” another critical element. “FedEx lives
The first panel discussion helped by the motto of ‘Safety for all’. While
the audience to travel back to the last our operations continued, we never
twenty months of pandemic and listen compromised on safety for our team
Themed around “Moving to the speakers about their learning members, our customers and vendor
Pharma – at the right time during the season. Yashpal Sharma, partners, and the packages we move,”
and at the right temperature,” MD, Skyways Group, said, "My learning said Tripathy.
from the Covid-19 pandemic is to spend
To the question whether we are
Global Pharma Logistics quality time in preparing a business ready for another pandemic, Tripathy
Summit 2021 united the continuity plan to deal with such said, “The world needs a supply chain
Indian pharmaceutical situations in the future. Logistics could that is both resilient and agile, as it has
moved from ‘Just in Time’ to ‘Just in
never take a back seat.”
logistics industry Responding to a question from Reji Case’ logistics. Technology also plays a
stakeholders in Mumbai John, editor, ITLN, if the pandemic has key role, with the digitalization of many
to discuss the way forward exposed the gaps in supply chains, processes that we follow currently.”
Close to the end of the panel, Ravi
Jani said, "Covid-19 pandemic was a
for temperature controlled wake-up call. For all of us. For every Kumar Tummalapalli, the then head of
supply chain. stakeholder across the supply chain." logistics - APAC, Japan and China, Teva
Roland Weil, vice president sales – Pharmaceuticals, initiated a debate by
Libin Chacko Kurian cargo, Frankfurt Airport stressed the comparing ocean freight and air freight
need to look at the pandemic period from a shippers point of view. "For us,
25 January - February 2022