Page 38 - ITLN January - February 2025
P. 38

Event Report
               Auto SCM
               Summit 2024

         “To help businesses advance their ESG
         goals, we provide a green certificate
         that directly contributes to their
         sustainability reports.”

         India's auto growth relies on air
         cargo expansion
         The third panel discussion underscored
         the essential role of air cargo in
         supporting the expansion of India’s
         automotive industry. Moderated by
         Roland Weil, Vice President Sales-  (L-R) Thakur Purushottam Singh of GMR Goa Air Cargo, Hemant Rai of Tiger Logistics, Roland
         Cargo, Frankfurt Airport, the discussion   Weil of Frankfurt Airport (Moderator) and Huned Gandhi of Dachser.
         explored infrastructure development,
         multimodal transport, strategic   space, along with bonded trucking as   The panellists discussed how global
         advantages of air freight, market   part of a multimodal strategy, provide   supply chain disruptions, such as the
         volatility and regulatory complexities.  effective mitigation strategies. The   Red Sea crisis, have underscored the
           A key focus was on India's      growing investment by global companies   need for flexibility and resilience. Sahil
         emergence as a reliable manufacturing   in India’s automotive sector reinforces   Seshadri, Head of Global Sourcing -
         hub within global supply chains.   the need for robust and efficient    India & SEA, Knorr-Bremse Systems for
         Thakur Purushottam Singh, Business   logistics solutions.            Commercial Vehicles India, shared how
         Head of GMR Goa Air Cargo,           Cost-effectiveness in logistics was   his company quickly reconfigured supply
         emphasised the significant capacity   recognised as a key consideration. While   chains during the disruption.
         offered by the new greenfield cargo   speed and reliability are vital, pricing   “We can’t just worry about what
         terminal at Mopa International Airport   remains a significant factor. Although air   we are buying and from where — we
         in Goa and its proximity to automotive   freight is generally more expensive than   must also consider how it will reach
         manufacturing hubs.               other modes, the potential cost savings   us,” he said. While sea freight remains
           Hemant Rai, Head of Auto Division at   from reduced downtime, optimised   the preferred mode, geopolitical
         Tiger Logistics, provided insights into the   inventory management, and faster   uncertainties require companies
         evolving dynamics of cargo movement,   time-to-market can often justify the   to diversify sourcing strategies and
         noting a current split of 60 percent ocean   higher investment. The improving road   evaluate options like re-routing and
         and 40 percent air. However, he stressed   infrastructure in India is also making   alternative suppliers.
         that air cargo accounts for approximately   trucking a more competitive option for   Seshadri stressed the importance
         80 percent of market share by     certain routes, especially when air freight   of preparing for future challenges:
         value, highlighting its critical role in   prices experience significant spikes.   “Especially for critical components
         transporting high-value automotive                                   that cannot be fully localised, a diverse
         components and finished vehicles.  How logistics is driving India’s   sourcing strategy is essential to keep
           The panel explored the specific   automotive manufacturing growth?   supply chains running smoothly, even if
         advantages of air freight within the   The fourth panel discussion titled “From   one part of the world is affected
         automotive supply chain. Its speed is   spare parts to accelerating beasts:   by disruptions.”
         paramount for time-critical shipments,   How is logistics as a sector fuelling   Beyond cost considerations, timely
         such as sample parts for product   automotive manufacturing in India?”   delivery and resilience have become
         development and urgent replacement   delved into logistics's critical role in   paramount. Panelists emphasised the
         parts to prevent costly production line   transforming the automotive industry.   need to plan for potential geopolitical
         disruptions. This “just-in-time” approach   The session brought together experts   disruptions, ensuring that supply chains
         is crucial for minimising downtime and   to share insights on the evolving supply   can withstand shocks.
         maximising manufacturing efficiency.   chain, the impact of technology, and   Kedar Rele from Umicore Autocat
           The impact of global events on air   strategies to navigate global disruptions.  explained, “Our supply chain is still
         freight was also addressed. Instances   While setting the stage, Pathak struck   dependent on global networks because
         of geopolitical instability, such as the   a note comparing the Indian automotive   precious metals used in production are
         Red Sea crisis, have caused congestion   industry to a “musical symphony   not found in India. To mitigate risks,
         and price increases at major seaports   of parts, people, and processes,”   we’ve built a chain of tie-ups across
         and airports. However, panellists noted   highlighting logistics as the backbone   different stages of the supply chain,
         that alternative routes and carriers,   ensuring this symphony runs on time   allowing factories to continue operations
         including those with available belly   and efficiently.              even during major crises.”
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