Page 26 - ITLN May-June 2021 issue for Magzter
P. 26
Port of Rotterdam
the berthing of which vessels. This actual forces exerted when ships are
immediately delivers efficiency for the being moored. Not only does this mean
handling of shipping and therefore that safety can be monitored in real-time,
value for a port authority. but it also helps to know which vessels
In the Harbour Master's Division, can be berthed at which quay and where.
the harbour master receives reports
on approximately 230,000 port calls a smart quay walls: Many quay walls
year. Until recently, those reports were in Rotterdam are now 50 years old
made by email and telephone. These or more. They have reached the end
days, 80 percent of them are processed of their technical lifespan. Data from
automatically because the data is right. sensors allow it to see whether they
With a smart port infrastructure, the port can be used for longer. In addition, it
has a much clearer picture of the actual puts the port in a better position to
condition of its assets. Maintenance demonstrate that the quay walls could
becomes more predictable, easier, more We are working towards accommodate bigger vessels or work
sustainable and more affordable. The achieving a carbon- with bigger cranes. The post can also
three examples are: neutral and circular see when a client may not be making
smart dredging: The port of port in three steps. the most of the available capacity.
Rotterdam has grown and developed The Amazonehaven (where the
over time. Maintenance is based on Emile Hoogsteden deepsea container terminals are
past agreements, even though the port Port of Rotterdam located) is one example. The possible
may now be used differently. In the replacement of the quay would have
current situation, a digital chart shows smart bollard: Until now, the port has cost between €350 and €500 million.
the vessels, what their draught is and not been possible to measure mooring Based on data from sensors in the
which channels are available. AIS data line forces. In the absence of exact quay, Rotterdam was able to redesign
is used here, visualising the parts of the measurement data for moored vessels, the current quay walls, making
waterways that are in use, as well as the design approach is to assume the replacement unnecessary. In that
which sections are not being used or not maximum load of vessels on mooring way, it was able to cut costs, reduce
being used to their full depth. We can lines and bollards. Together with the disruption/investment for the clients
use that information to decide where company Straatman B.V., the Port and cut emissions while making it
dredging is needed. That cuts costs and Authority recently installed the first possible to accommodate larger
reduces carbon emissions. smart bollard to learn more about the vessels and get more cargo offloaded.
May - June 2021