Indian Transport & Logistics
Vikash Khatri

Vikash Khatri

Vikash Khatri is the founder of the logistics & supply chain advisory and execution support firm Aviral Consulting

Risk factors and sustainability to shape Indian logistics in 2024

4 Jan 2024 4:00 AM GMT
The global logistics and supply chain industry exhibits a profound interconnection with geopolitical trends, economic growth, and advancements in...

IMEC corridor to reduce supply chain risk and transit time

9 Dec 2023 3:30 AM GMT
A few weeks back India Middle East Europe Economic Corridor (IMEC) was announced in a successful G 20 event hosted by India. This corridor is expected...

3A (Adapt, Automate, Agile): Key for 2023 supply chain

19 Jan 2023 11:40 AM GMT
The rapid pace of change in the economy, technology, and geopolitics has led to more volatility and unpredictability in the global supply chain. In...
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