Page 39 - ITLN JAN-FEB 2022 for Magzter
P. 39
India. The panel discussions were led affected will be the passenger vehicles
and moderated by Prashanth Murali because 60 percent of the developed
Kaivar, AVP and Global Practice Head, world passenger vehicles have
TechMahindra. electronic vehicles that have electronic
Speaking about operating in a components. And maybe in India, it may
VUCA world where VUCA stands for be about 30-40 percent.”
volatility, uncertainty, complexity, Rajeev Chopra Sharing his views on how to respond
and ambiguity, Rajeev Chopra, senior TAFE - Tractors & Farm to the current crisis, Amit Borkar,
general manager, strategic sourcing - Equipment Limited vice president operations, A Raymond
supply chain & program management, said, “We are engaging with our
TAFE - Tractors & Farm Equipment customers from the demand side and
Limited said, “For the automotive suppliers at the early stage so that it's
industry, the data says that 81 percent collaborative. Based on the demand
of the automotive industry is concerned we are only producing and procuring
about visibility, compared to 70 percent only what is needed. We are trying to
of other sectors. This is owing to the increase our response time and give
number of components we have and training to our people and enhance the
because automotive requires ‘just-in- P Radhakrishnan competency of our supply chain teams.
time’ operations where any mistake Renault Nissan Automotive We are working on forecasting tools and
or oversight in visibility will definitely techniques where we can improve our
create repercussions. We deal with this forecasting, bringing IT solutions like
through integration with suppliers and the customer portal and adopting things
part manufacturers. We have a supply like scanners, RFID’s and warehousing
chain platform that offers a centralised practices to become more resilient.”
system where we have identification on Meanwhile Phani Krishna, Head
how the movement of the parts takes West, DSV said, “From the logistics side,
place. We are using IoT for the logistics I would only vote for better forecasting
part as well. We need to streamline which would help all the stakeholders
communication and operations Amit Borkar in managing their capacities and
apart from tracking and capacity A Raymond optimising them- which is the need of
management. There are new tools the hour.”
available for analysis like predictive Batting for connected people,
analysis and AI modeling and how to connected assets, and collaboration as
know or predict the demand that the the way forward, Manoj Singh, senior
automotive industry is currently using. ” vice president & head cargo, Mumbai
Speaking about a changed supply International Airport said, “Data
chain landscape post-pandemic, and analysis have become the most
P Radhakrishnan, vice president, important aspects in every sphere of
production control, Renault Nissan Phani Krishna business. From the aviation side, we
Automotive spoke about the automotive DSV have to always see that the capacity is
industry being caught up in a ‘sequential always being created not only on the
crisis’. He said, “The sequential crisis airport side but also from the airlines'
started with Covid, followed by labour side. Investment in people also needs to
shortages, port congestion, commodity be taken care of and their training and
price rise, plastic and semiconductor development are crucial.”
shortages. These disruptions are not Encouraging the supply chain
for a few weeks or months, some of community to embrace working with
them are more than a year old and are data and digitalization, Roland Weil,
expected to continue for another year or Manoj Singh VP, cargo sales, Frankfurt Airport
so. So how we view the risk and manage Mumbai International Airport said, “I think digitising is key for the
it has totally changed. Resiliency, agility, supply chain community. Use the
and digitization are the few things data highway that the supply chain
that we have to adapt in order to work providers are offering whether this is
amidst this. From a data point of view, the forwarding community or truckers
if you take the automotive industry, or airports or customs track and
it is expected to lose $210 billion trace. So to get visibility for the client,
USD in this financial year in addition technology is the key driver and IT
to losing 8 million vehicles. Majorly solutions are also available.”
Roland Weil
Frankfurt Airport 37 January - February 2022