Page 4 - ITLN January - February 2025
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VOLUME 16 - ISSUE 1 |  JAN-FEB 2025
                                                                                       GROUP EDITOR-IN-CHIEF
                                                                                            R. K. Patra
                                                                                            Reji John
                                                                                         ASSOCIATE EDITOR
                                                                                         Jyothi Shankaran
                                                                                        ASSISTANT EDITORS
                                                                                        Libin Chacko Kurian
                                                                                         Rajarshi Chatterjee
                                                                                          Parijat Sourabh
         COVER STORY                            SPECIAL REPORT               
                                                                                        SALES & MARKETING
         04    Quick-commerce &                 22   How the 10-minute promise
                                                                                            Renju Raju
                                                     is shaping the future of
               technology push Indian
         inventories to precision logistics     Indian consumers                          ART DIRECTOR
         India’s intralogistics market is experiencing   With around 2,000 dark stores across major   Suhas Patki
         a shift, driven by tech and demand for faster,   cities and a projected CAGR of 16 percent,
         more precise supply chains. It is reshaping   India’s quick commerce revolution is poised   SENIOR GRAPHIC DESIGNER
         e-commerce, manufacturing, and beyond.  to transform the future of retail.       Prasad Mohite
                                                INDUSTRY REPORT
         FEATURE                                                                         SENIOR DESIGNER
                                                                                           Zaki Hasan
         12   Supply chain challenges of        28   Will Indian air cargo growth    Printed by M/s. SAISHA PRINTS
                                                     outpace structural challenges?
              personalised drugs, and ways to
         tackle them                            The sector faces hurdles such as   453, A-1, Shah and Nahar Industrial
                                                overreliance on a few airports, infrastructure
         The task for all players in the chain is to   gaps, and geopolitical shifts. Will India’s air   Estate,  Dhanraj Mill Compound,
                                                                                     Lower Parel, Mumbai-400 013,
         remember what is at stake here - a patient’s   cargo soar to global leadership or struggle   Maharashtra, India
         life and how best to ensure medicines reach   under these challenges?
         them on time and in the desired condition.                                    Published by Priyo Patra
                                                                                    on behalf of STAT MEDIA GROUP
                                                EVENT REPORT                       from 712, Vindhya Comm. Complex
                                                                                       Sector – 11, CBD Belapur
         SPOTLIGHT                              32   Charting India’s                Navi Mumbai – 400614 – INDIA
                                                     automotive logistics future
                                                                                         TEL: 022-27570550;
         20   India Post’s transformation from   amidst disruption, innovation           FAX: 022-27572382
              letters to a logistics powerhouse
                                                where industry leaders discussed inventory
         India Post, the country’s 170-year-old postal   Pune hosted Auto SCM Summit 2024,   a STAT MEDIA GROUP venture
         service, has successfully pivoted from a   planning, geopolitical disruptions, tech
         traditional mail carrier to a major player in the   advancements, and the transition to
         parcel and e-commerce logistics market.  sustainable transportation.
                                                                                                    Rs. 100
         NEWS                                                                   |   Volume 16 | Issue 1  |  Jan-Feb 2025

         42   Latest news updates from aviation, shipping and logistics, warehousing,
              e-commerce and supply chain industries.

                                                                                         Pushing Indian
         The Publishers regret that they cannot accept liability for error or omissions contained in this publication,   Quick-commerce & technology
                                                                                         inventories to
         however caused. The opinions and views contained in this publication are not necessarily those of the publishers.   precision logistics
         Readers  are  advised  to  seek  specialist  advice  before  acting  on  information  contained  in  this  publication,
         which is provided for general use and may not be appropriate for the readers’ particular circumstances. The   We are on
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         be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form with-out the permission of the publishers
         in writing. An exemption is hereby granted for extracts used for the purpose of fair review.
          January - February 2025                                                           
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