Page 8 - ITLN January - February 2025
P. 8

Cover Story

                                                                                TVS ILP is a logistics and industrial
                                                                              park developer with a presence across
                                                                              42 locations in 17 states in India.
                                                                                Kumar opines that this integration
                                                                              enables better coordination, real-time
                                                                              tracking, and timely responses to
                                                                              meet demand which in turn impacts
                                                                              efficiency. “With all key logistics
                                                                              activities managed at one location,
                                                                              companies can optimise processes,
                                                                              enhance client satisfaction, and boost
                                                                              profitability,” she added.
                                                                                Meanwhile, many large
         Photo: Bastian Solutions                                             infrastructure developers are heavily
                                                                              investing in developing temperature-
                                                                              controlled storage facilities for online
                                                                              grocery companies to ensure the
                                                                              freshness of perishable items like
                                                                              fruits, vegetables, dairy, and meat,
         prediction is based on the observation                               informed Kamlesh Kumar, Vice
         that online platforms often deprioritise                             President- Supply Chain, Jumbotail.
         or exclude brands from their listings                                  Jumbotail is a B2B e-commerce
         if the inventory is stored in distant                                platform for food and grocery,
         locations, “as these platforms are                                   offering supply chain management,
         competing with each other to offer                                   wholesale marketplace operations,
         faster delivery options,” he reasoned.                               and logistics services.
           After all, shipping orders from                                      While there have been significant
         distant central warehouses to dark                                   changes in the last five years, Kumar
         stores leads to significantly higher                                 opines that there is still a way to
         logistics costs, which erode already                                 go for the intralogistics sector in
         slim margins.                                                        India to adapt to the unique needs of
           Vaidya opines that adopting a                                      customers. “Developing compliant
         regional inventory placement strategy                                facilities within the urban area to hold
         can solve this by reducing shipping      With rising urban           more number of Stock Keeping Units
         costs and improving delivery times.     populations, there is        (SKUs), solving community-related
         “This approach enhances profitability   a surge in demand for        issues, building farm-to-fresh supply
         while meeting the fast delivery                                      chains and adopting greener practices
         expectations of quick commerce        convenience, including         are areas where we still have a journey
         platforms,” he added.                 faster delivery services.      to cover,” he said.
           While Vaidya is emphatic             This trend necessitates         Kumar also pointed out the use of AI
         about decentralised fulfilment           compact, scalable           and machine learning (ML) in grocery
         models, Aditi Kumar, Executive        intralogistics solutions       delivery and inventory management. To
         Director, TVS Industrial and Logistics   tailored to urban           ensure freshness for perishable goods,
         Parks (TVS ILP) is still thinking about                              he informed that smart forecasting
         the benefits of centralising your       distribution centres.        systems are developed to help predict
         logistics operations.                   Dhirendra Vashisht           the demand and also increase the
           Kumar argues that Integrated             Bastian Solutions         inventory turn to avoid wastage. “With
         Logistics Parks (ILPs) are                                           the use of technology, almost real-time
         transforming India's intralogistics   and promoting collaboration among   picking is possible today and picking
         sector by providing infrastructure that   the stakeholders. By centralising   time has significantly reduced as low
         consolidates multiple supply chain   operations such as warehousing,   as a minute in the quick commerce
         functions under one roof. “They enable   packaging, distribution, sorting, returns   world,” he said.
         businesses to optimise processes   management, and final assembly, ILPs   While the use cases of technologies
         by centralising logistics functions,   give companies full control over their   like AI and ML are interesting, the
         leveraging modern technologies,   operations,” she added.            ecosystem also needs robust data-
          January - February 2025                                                           
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