Page 10 - ITLN January - February 2025
P. 10

Cover Story

         capturing mechanisms and devices                                     tools for inventory management,
         to bring them to life. Automation                                    quality control, and supply chain
         powered by advanced data capture                                     optimisation,” he added.
         enables predictive analytics, helping                                  While Mishra is talking about
         companies anticipate demand, avoid                                   technology adoption, each sector
         stockouts and stay ahead of the curve,                               brings distinct intralogistics demands
         according to JP Mishra, Country                                      — “e-commerce needs swift order
         Manager-India, Newland AIDC.                                         processing and returns management,
           Newland AIDC is an automatic                                       and manufacturing calls for seamless
         identification and data capture (AIDC)                               production-warehouse integration,”
         company and their products include                                   says Neville Mevawala, Head of Sales
         barcode scanners, mobile computers,                                  & Marketing, Material Handling
         and handheld terminals designed                                      Business of Godrej & Boyce, part
         for data collection and inventory                                    of Godrej Enterprises Group. “The
         management processes.                 Traditional reliance on        rapid expansion of these sectors
           Mishra said, “Real-time tracking     manual processes and          has intensified the need for efficient                                Our team of solutions experts are
         and automation are game-changers     imported technologies has       material handling solutions that
         for Indian warehouses and distribution   created hesitancy among     can handle higher throughput
         centres. They ensure better visibility   businesses to transition to   while maintaining stringent safety            ENGINEERING YOUR
         into inventory and streamline                                        standards. This growth has also
         operations, minimising human          automated systems. This        highlighted the critical requirement
         error.” This is particularly critical for   challenge is particularly   for sustainable practices and energy-
         sectors like e-commerce and quick      evident in the material       efficient solutions that align with           COMPETITIVE EDGE
         commerce, where speed and accuracy   handling segment, where         India's commitment to reducing
         are aramount.                           nearly 40 percent of         carbon emissions,” he said.
           Mishra also informs that the        accidents are attributed         Godrej & Boyce is a key player in
         Indian intralogistics sector is rapidly   to unsafe practices, with   India’s intralogistics sector offering       by improving order fulfillment operations, revolutionizing supply chain networks
         adopting advanced data capture       80 percent resulting from       material handling and industrial                         and increasing productivity and ROI with advanced automation.
         technologies and industries such            human error.             solutions. In August 2024, Godrej &
         as e-commerce, quick commerce,                                       Boyce announced the introduction of
         and transportation & logistics (T&L)    Neville Mevawala             lithium-ion battery-powered forklifts
         are leading this shift. “Companies          Godrej & Boyce           featuring an indigenously developed
         like Zomato, Swiggy, and Zepto are                                   Battery Management System (BMS)
         heavily investing in these technologies   faster inventory turnover. Moreover,   in India. Mevawala added, “These
         to achieve operational efficiency,   manufacturing and retail are also   Li-ion solutions offer transformative
         ensuring real-time tracking and   catching up, leveraging these      benefits, including four times
                                                                              longer battery life, 30 percent less
                                                                              energy consumption, and significant
                                                                              improvements in charging efficiency
                                                                              - charging from 20 to 80 percent in
                                                                              just 2.5 hours compared to 6 hours for
                                                                              traditional batteries.”
                                                                                While lithium-ion battery-
                                                                              powered forklifts are an interesting
                                                                              solution to be available in the Indian
                                                                              intralogistics ecosystem, logistics
                                                                              companies must develop expertise in
                                                                              specific sectors. This is particularly
                                                                              relevant for Third-Party Logistics
                                                                              (3PL) companies because, according
                                                                              to Ajay Rao, CEO & Founder of
                                                                              Emiza, the industry is rapidly evolving
                                                                              towards more specialised services,                                 FOR MORE ABOUT OUR SOLUTIONS VISIT
                      In August 2024, Godrej & Boyce introduced lithium-ion battery-powered   driven by increasing demand from
                      forklifts featuring an indigenously developed battery management system.                                                           BASTIANSOLUTIONS.COM
                                                                              consumer brands.
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