Page 15 - ITLN January - February 2025
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which includes Hypercare as a
        critical component. "What resonates
        most with our customers is the                                                  UPS Premier is
        enhanced temperature integrity
        we can ensure through our end-                                        not just a service; it's a
        to-end asset ownership," says                                      commitment to meeting India's
        Ashish Agrawal, Head of Reefer,                                    evolving healthcare needs and
        Cold Chain and Pharma for Maersk                                    ensuring the safe and timely
        in India, Bangladesh & Sri Lanka.                                 delivery of life-saving medicines
        "This is particularly crucial for                                    and healthcare products.
        maintaining product quality, and,
        ultimately, patient safety in the case of                              Arnab Bhattacharya
        pharmaceuticals.                                                           UPS Healthcare
           "When considering pharmaceutical
        logistics, we must remember that at   chain is a patient waiting for their   to better patient care. Therefore,
        the end of every supply            medication. Rigorous temperature   robust monitoring of pharmaceutical
                                           monitoring isn't just about logistics –   movement is essential. We deploy a
                                            it's about ensuring that life-saving   combination of manual monitoring
                                                medications reach patients in   and technological solutions, such
                                                    perfect condition. Every step   as Captain Peter, which makes the
                                                       to maintaining product   system flawless.”
                                                           integrity directly   UPS Premier, the specialised
                                                               contributes   pharma solution, has been received
                                                                             very positively by customers in India,
                                                                             adds Bhattacharya. "They appreciate
                                                                             the real-time monitoring, network
                                                                              prioritisation, integrated service
                                                                              recovery capabilities and 24/7
                                                                               visibility and control it offers over
                                                                               critical healthcare shipments.
                                                                                 "Indian customers are excited to
                                                                               see how this technology-focused
                                                                               solution enables UPS Healthcare
                                                                               to classify and identify critical
                                                                               shipments even before they leave
                                                                                their hands. This level of innovation
                                                                                offers them a new standard of
                                                                                reliability, visibility, and confidence
                                                                                across their supply chain. UPS
                                                                                Premier is not just a service; it's
                                                                                a commitment to meeting India's
                                                                                 evolving healthcare needs and
                                                                                 ensuring the safe and timely
                                                                                 delivery of life-saving medicines
                                                                                 and healthcare products.”
                                                                                   Generic medicines and
                                                                                 vaccines are the most transported
                                                                                 products from India, reflecting the
                                                                                  country's pivotal role in the global
                                                                                  healthcare landscape, according
                                                                                  to Anoop Chauhan, Vice
                                                                                  President - Contract Logistics
                                                                                  & Cold Chain, DP World
                                                                                  Subcontinent. “The country's
                                                                                  robust manufacturing base and
                                                                                            January - February 2025
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