Page 18 - ITLN January - February 2025
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          Feature                                                                                                                                                                                                  #pharmalogistics
             Pharma Logistics                                                                                                                  t h  Edition

                                                                              shipments, ensuring both controlled
                                                                              room temperature (CRT) (+15°C to
                                                                              +25°C) and cold storage (COL) (+2°C to
                                                                              +8°C) requirements are met.
                                                                                "If we observe a higher share of
                                                                              CRT compared to COL, particularly
                                                                              in India, it’s not necessarily indicative                                                          SEPTEMBER
                                                                              of a market shift. Rather, it reflects
                                                                              GMP and GDP requirements as                                                              11 2025
                                                                              well as healthcare mandates at
                                                                              the destination, which call for
                                                                              temperature-controlled environments                                                                         Mumbai
                                                                              for pharmaceutical products. It also
                                                                              stems from the nature of the drugs
           Technology is critical to DP World’s                               being produced and exported. The rise
         pharma operations, ensuring reliability,                             in CRT shipments from India highlights
         visibility, and efficiency across the                                the broader success and expansion
         supply chain. Chauhan says: "We utilise                              of Indian pharmaceutical exports,
         IoT-enabled sensors, real-time tracking                              especially for generics and other
         and warehouse management system                                      stable formulations that dominate the
         (WMS), integrated with customer                                      country’s product mix."
         systems, to enhance visibility, predict                                Over the past two years, Maersk has
         disruptions and proactively manage                                   built a robust team of approximately
         risks. To comply with the Central                                    250-300 GDP-trained professionals
         Drugs Standard Control Organisation                                  across various functions globally.
         (CDSCO) regulations for temperature-                                 This specialised team has been
         sensitive products like vaccines, we                                 instrumental in the rapid growth of
         ensure storage and transport within                                  the pharmaceutical solutions and
         specific temperature ranges (2°C to    Rigorous temperature          expanding customer base.
         8°C), maintaining proper humidity and   monitoring isn't just          “The ground teams of Maersk
         contamination control. Our central      about logistics – it's       implement critical interventions through
         control tower in Bangalore manages                                   a comprehensive monitoring system,”
         cargo inflow and outflow while          about ensuring that          says Agarwal. “This includes regular
         monitoring vehicle temperatures for    life-saving medications       RCM operational monitoring to detect
         smooth operations."                       reach patients in          and address any setpoint discrepancies,
           Guha of Jeena Criticare says:          perfect condition.          managing alarm notifications, and
         "Technology is the backbone of our                                   conducting proactive terminal and
         operations. From advanced temperature     Ashish Agrawal             vessel notifications. The team performs
         and humidity monitoring systems to             Maersk                systematic manual monitoring
         real-time shipment tracking, technology                              and follow-up for any temperature
         ensures the integrity and safety of                                  deviations, particularly focusing on
         sensitive pharmaceutical products   exporters in India and globally,   unattended off-power alarms. For
         throughout the supply chain. Automated   Etihad Cargo has implemented   containers that may experience IoT                                  Global Pharma Logistics Summit (GPLS) is back with
         alerts and live dashboards provide   several targeted improvements   device or network connectivity issues,
         transparency and control for clients,   to PharmaLife, adds Srinivasan.   our Cold Chain Hypercare team works                                     its eighth edition here in Mumbai again.
         ensuring operational efficiency. By   "These include launching a dedicated   directly with local teams to capture                  We bring together the pharmaceutical companies and their logistics
         leveraging cutting-edge innovations,   pharma development programme   manual temperature readings.”                               service providers under one single umbrella for the one-day conference.
         we address the unique challenges of   to improve the capabilities of our   Pre-packed, temperature-controlled
         critical healthcare logistics, making   teams, introducing IATA CEIV Pharma-  & time critical transportation services              RIGHT CONTENT  RIGHT PEOPLE  RIGHT PLACE  RIGHT TIME
         technology indispensable to our mission   certified infrastructure  and deploying   are receiving the maximum response
         of excellence.”                   cool dollies to ensure temperature   from customers, adds Guha of Jeena
                                           consistency. Additionally, we’ve   Criticare. "The ability to maintain
         Changing needs,                   expanded our Abu Dhabi hub’s cold   precise conditions for sensitive
         changing operations               chain capabilities to meet the exacting   healthcare products has become a
         To better support pharmaceutical   needs of India’s pharmaceutical   critical requirement, and our expertise
                                                                                                                                                                 For sponsorship & registration
     16                                                                                                                                              Renju Raju    +91 8879045963
          January - February 2025                                                           
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