Page 22 - ITLN January - February 2025
P. 22

              India Post

         India Post's


         from letters

         to a logistics


         Around the historic Kabutar Khana, a spot where people
         traditionally fed pigeons, situated in front of the iconic
         General Post Office (GPO) outside Chhatrapati Shivaji
         Maharaj Terminus (CSMT) in Mumbai, a dwindling
         community of letter writers once clung to a fading tradition.
         What was once a thriving hub of epistolary expertise,
         bustling with numerous scribes, has slowly given way to the
         relentless march of time and technology. Today, only their
         weathered desks and worn pens remain as a testament to a
         bygone era, where the art of letter writing was a cherished
         and essential part of communication. However, amidst this
         decline, India Post, the country's 170-year-old postal service,
         has undergone a remarkable transformation.
            Nikitha Sebastian

               rom its humble beginnings as   a division of the Ministry of External
               a colonial-era postal system to   Affairs, India's e-commerce market
               its current status as a logistics   is expected to reach $200 billion by   India Post's modernisation efforts
         Fpowerhouse, India Post           2026. This growth has created a huge   have been instrumental in supporting
         has adapted to the changing times.   demand for efficient logistics services,   its remarkable growth. Automated
         The organisation has successfully   and India Post has been quick to   sorting systems have significantly
         pivoted from a traditional mail carrier   capitalise on this opportunity.  enhanced efficiency, streamlining the
         to a major player in the parcel and   According to a recent report by   processing of parcels and reducing
         e-commerce logistics market.      McKinsey & Company, the postal     manual errors. Additionally, the
           The absence of letter writers   industry is undergoing a profound   introduction of track-and-trace
         outside the GPO is a reflection of the   transformation, fuelled by sharply   facilities has empowered customers
         changing communication landscape.   declining mail volumes and a surge   with real-time updates on their
         With the advent of digital technology,   in parcel demand. India Post's   shipments, fostering transparency and
         letter writing has become a relic of   transformation began in the early   trust. Online payment gateways have
         the past. However, this decline has   2000s, when the organisation   also simplified the payment process,
         been offset by the exponential growth   recognised the decline of traditional   providing convenience and ease.
         of e-commerce. According to a report   mail services and the rising demand   Complementing these technological
         by the Economic Diplomacy Division,   for parcel delivery.           advancements is a substantial
          January - February 2025                                                           
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