Page 24 - ITLN January - February 2025
P. 24

Special Report

         How the 10-minute

         promise is shaping the

         future of Indian


                 With around 2,000 dark stores across major cities and
                 a projected CAGR of 16.07%, India's quick commerce
                 revolution is poised to transform the future of retail.

                    Parijat Sourabh

                   uch bhi, kahin bhi, abhi"   2029. By the same year, the number
                   (Anything, anywhere,    of users in India's quick commerce
                   now) — this isn't just a   market is anticipated to grow to 60.6
          Kcatchy slogan; it's the new     million which was 26.2 million users
         reality of urban India. In a tenth-floor   in 2024. But behind these staggering
         apartment in Bengaluru, a resident   numbers lies a complex web of
         urgently needs fresh vegetables and   logistics innovation, technological
         milk for breakfast. In Delhi's Connaught   advancement, and fierce competition
         Place, a child working on a school   that's transforming not just how
         project realises he needs a notebook   Indians shop, but how cities function.
         and chart paper late at night. In
         Mumbai's corporate districts, an office   Why India became quick commerce's
         worker rushes to order new earbuds   promised land
         before a client meeting because his   India's quick commerce boom is
         existing ones aren’t working. Whether   no coincidence. It emerged from a
         it’s essential groceries, school   confluence of factors that created the
         stationery, or personal accessories,   ideal environment for this revolution.
         within moments of tapping phones,   One key driver is India's widespread
         a complex symphony of technology,   smartphone adoption. According to
         logistics, and human effort springs   2024 data from Statista, the country
         into action. Welcome to India's quick   now has 700.58 million smartphone
         commerce revolution, where the gap   users. Second, the Covid-19 pandemic
         between desire and fulfilment has   accelerated the adoption of online
         shrunk to mere minutes.           shopping across all age groups.
           The potential of India's quick   Third, India's dense urban geography,
         commerce market is immense.       with millions living in compact
         According to Statista, the sector is   neighbourhoods, made rapid delivery
         projected to generate revenue of $5.384   logistics feasible.
         billion in 2025. With a compound annual   What makes India's market
         growth rate (CAGR) of 16.07% from   particularly compelling for quick
         2025 to 2029, the market is expected   commerce is the unique combination
         to reach a volume of $9.771 billion by   of urban density and digital adoption. In
          January - February 2025                                                           
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