Page 26 - ITLN January - February 2025
P. 26

Special Report

         to 3,000 square feet in size, they
         stock between 1,500 and 5,000 high-
         frequency items based on hyper-local
         demand patterns.
           According to the latest data, top
         quick-commerce platforms such as
         Swiggy Instamart, Blinkit, and Zepto
         operate a combined total of around 2,000
         dark stores across key cities in India.
           The technology driving this system is
         equally sophisticated. Machine learning
         algorithms predict demand patterns
         at the neighbourhood level, while AI-
         powered, GPS-enabled routing systems   A Blinkit dark store in
                                               Ranchi, Jharkhand
         optimise delivery paths in real time.
           Roadcast, an Indian logistics tech                                 quick commerce networks. Zomato has
         company, offers a platform to optimise                               recently invested 500 crore into Blinkit.
         delivery operations. Rahul Mehra, Co-                                  The company is also expanding its
         founder, highlights how the platform                                 electronics range to include laptops,
         supports dark store management,                                      monitors, and printers, all delivered
         “Roadcast supports dark store                                        within 10 minutes. However, this service
         management, optimising operations                                    is currently available only in cities
         through inventory integration,                                       such as Delhi NCR, Mumbai, Pune,
         automated order processing, and                                      Bengaluru, Kolkata, and Lucknow.
         seamless dispatch coordination.                                        Similar to Zepto Café, Blinkit has
         By offering real-time updates and                                    launched Bistro, a new food delivery app.
         predictive analytics, the platform helps                             However, Albinder Dhindsa, founder
         businesses maintain inventory levels                                 of Blinkit, announced on Twitter that
         and reduce turnaround times.”                                        this service is currently live in select
            Leading platforms report that their   Quick commerce's            locations in Gurugram to evaluate its
         dark stores can process an order within   future is about speed,     product market fit.
         seconds to a few minutes of receipt, with   convenience, and           Taking it a step further, the company
         delivery partners completing the last   sustainability. With rising   has recently launched an innovative
         mile in under 10 minutes.                                            ambulance service in Gurugram,
           Siwanshu Mishra, Area Head of         technologies like AI,        providing emergency assistance within
         Jharkhand at Blinkit, where the company   robotics, and autonomous   10 minutes.
         started its operations last year mentions   delivery systems, logistics   Swiggy Instamart has recently
         that “the average order preparation time,   is set for a significant   announced its expansion to over 75
         from picking the product in the dark      transformation.            cities and will soon launch a separate
         store to handing it over to the delivery                             standalone app.
         personnel, is about 2 minutes.”              Ravi Goel                 BigBasket, owned by Tata Digital,
                                                       RapidShyp              has also emerged as a prominent
         The key players driving quick                                        online quick commerce platform in
         commerce in India                 announced plans to expand Zepto's   India. The company, which rebranded
         India's quick commerce market is   operations to more than 50 cities.  its quick commerce service as BBNow,
         dominated by several key players,    The company also has plans to launch   is expected to launch the service in the
         each with a unique approach. Zepto,   a dedicated app for Zepto Café, focusing   next three to four months.
         founded in 2021, has grown rapidly,   on the quick delivery of snacks and other
         securing significant funding through its   food products.            The infrastructure challenge
         exclusive focus on the quick commerce   Blinkit (formerly Grofers), acquired   Despite the sector's rapid growth,
         model. The company reportedly     by Zomato, leverages its parent    infrastructure remains the most
         operates over 300 dark stores across   company's extensive delivery network   significant hurdle in India's quick
         India and plans to file for an initial   and restaurant partnerships to offer both   commerce landscape. While technology
         public offering (IPO) in early 2025.   groceries and ready-to-eat meals. The   and consumer adoption have surged
         Co-founder Aadit Palicha has also   acquisition created one of India's largest   forward, the physical challenges of
          January - February 2025                                                           
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