Page 31 - ITLN January - February 2025
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imports by incoming US President                                     was “a perfect storm of challenges:
        Donald Trump,” Hughes explained.                                     geopolitical tensions, Red Sea
           India’s electronics sector                                        diversions, supply chain disruptions,
        exemplifies this trajectory. Electronic                              and a massive spike in demand that
        exports jumped 27 percent to $22                                     caught everyone off guard.”
        billion in April-November of 2024-                                      “For example,” she said, “airfreight
        25, from $17 billion during the same                                 rates jumped 180 percent from
        period in 2023-24. Ruby Abidi, Director                              January to February last year. That
        of Air Cargo at cargo-partner, credits                               kind of volatility can be tough to
        government initiatives like Make                                     manage, especially when there's an
        in India and the Production Linked                                   inconsistency of rates, and track and
        Incentive (PLI) scheme for these                                     trace information.”
        advancements. “The manufacturing                                        “Logistics hubs, airports, and
        prowess that India has developed is                                  warehouses were stretched to their
        gaining strides,” she said.           The growing demand for         limits, and many processes had to shift
           On the same line, Anupama           fast, reliable deliveries     offline, ushering a surge of manual
        Kachhap, Head of Commercial,          has opened opportunities       intervention and lack of transparency
        Worldwide Flight Services (WFS),                                     that led to delays and uncertainties
        confirmed that India has seen a rise   for value-added services      regarding the total cost of ownership
        in electronics manufacturing, “with     and optimised supply         for overseas importers,” Tai added.
        companies like Samsung, Apple, and         chain solutions.             Following these trends, IndiGo,
        Xiaomi setting up factories.” “These       Arun Chandra              the biggest airline in India by market
        types of exports need to be shipped   Bangalore International Airport   share, has reported the intention to
        globally within tight deadlines and                                  grow cargo volumes on both domestic
        securely, making air cargo a preferred                               as well as international routes.
        mode of transportation,” she said.   geo-political conflicts. However, the   IndiGo has an extensive domestic
           Adding to these, Jagannarayan   international cargo volumes have seen   network of 88 stations, accepts cargo
        Padmanabhan, Senior Director &     a healthy expansion of 18 percent in H2   in 66 destinations and serves many
        Global Head – Consulting at CRISIL,   FY2024, amid the Red Sea crisis, which   Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities. Mark Sutch,
        emphasised the role of geopolitical   started in October 2023,” he said.   Chief Commercial Officer - Cargo of
        shifts. “The Red Sea crisis and other   For instance, Kempegowda     IndiGo informed that most of their
        maritime disruptions have shifted some   International Airport Bengaluru (BLR   cargo flows are between Tier 1 cities
        cargo from sea to air, further boosting   Airport) reported its highest-ever   and then Tier 1 to Tier 2 cities.
        India’s air cargo volumes,” he observed.  annual cargo tonnage of 496,227   “We are always looking to grow
           Vinay Kumar G, Vice President &   tonnes, during the calendar year   our volumes and capacities in Tier 2
        Sector Head - Corporate Ratings at   2024 (CY 2024), a 17 percent increase   to Tier 3 cities. We do target this and
        ICRA, explained this impact of the   compared to CY 2023. International   intend to put more focus on this area
        Red Sea crisis and pointed out that   cargo saw a 23 percent growth at the   to grow incremental volumes in 2025,”
        the international cargo volumes have   airport driven by increased demand for   he also added.
        increased by 18 and 19 percent YoY   perishables, spare parts, engineering   International operations are a key
        during H2 FY2024 and eight months of   goods, and e-commerce shipments   growth strategy for IndiGo – both point
        FY2025 respectively and are expected to   while domestic cargo volumes   of sales (POS) ex India and POS into
        increase by a further 11 to 13 percent   increased by 9 percent.     India, informs Sutch.
        YoY to touch new highs in FY2025.    The Indian air cargo sector has been   IndiGo operates a majority narrow
           “The international cargo volumes   through a lot recently, but it's emerging   body passenger fleet which means   International Airport
        have seen a muted YoY rise of 1 percent   stronger than ever. According to Joyce   they are very sensitive to passenger   Photo: Bangalore
        in H1 FY2024 on the back of the    Tai, EVP Worldwide Partnerships,   load when it comes to available cargo
        slowdown in the global economy and   Freightos, what India saw in 2024   capacity. Also, Sutch notes that they

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