Page 27 - ITLN January - February 2025
P. 27

stack eCommerce shipping platform that   designed to handle large orders, such as
                                           helps D2C brands and sellers streamline   electronics and party essentials.
                                           and manage their shipping operations   “With growing awareness about
                                           through a unified solution.       climate change, quick commerce
                                             “To reduce delivery failures, we offer   platforms will adopt more eco-friendly
                                           automated address validation and real-  practices, such as carbon-neutral
                                           time tracking, improving first-attempt   deliveries and reusable packaging,” says
                                           success rates and providing customers   Goel of RapidShyp.
                                           with proactive notifications. Bulk order
                                           processing and streamlined order   The future: Beyond
                                           management help businesses handle   10-minute delivery
                                           high delivery volumes seamlessly.”  As the sector matures, the focus is
                                                                             shifting from pure speed to sustainable
                                           The human element: Delivery       growth and profitability. Innovation
                                           partners and working conditions   continues at a rapid pace. Companies
        Indian cities continue to test even the   The rapid growth of quick commerce   are exploring automated micro-
        most sophisticated delivery networks.   has created thousands of jobs, but it   fulfilment centres, drone deliveries for
        Poor road conditions in many areas slow   has also raised concerns about working   suburban areas, and integrated inventory
        down delivery speeds, while unclear or   conditions and delivery partner safety.   management systems that connect dark
        non-standardised addressing systems   The pressure to maintain rapid delivery   stores with traditional retail outlets.
        make last-mile navigation complex.   times while navigating busy streets has   Quick commerce is reshaping not
        Traffic congestion in urban cores can   led to accidents and public criticism.  just delivery logistics but the entire
        turn a theoretical 10-minute delivery   Leading platforms have responded   retail ecosystem. Traditional retailers
        window into an unpredictable challenge,   by implementing comprehensive safety   are adapting by partnering with quick
        especially during peak hours.      programmes and insurance coverage   commerce platforms or developing
           Companies are responding with   for delivery partners. Many have also   their own rapid delivery capabilities.
        innovative solutions. Many are investing   introduced dynamic timing systems   The line between e-commerce, quick
        in sophisticated address mapping   that adjust delivery promises based on   commerce, and traditional retail is
        systems that can pinpoint locations   weather conditions and traffic patterns,   increasingly blurring.
        even in areas without formal addresses.   prioritising safety over speed.  Multinational e-commerce giant
        Others are experimenting with micro-  "Blinkit provides health insurance to   Amazon is reportedly planning to launch
        fulfilment centres in residential   each delivery partner. For us, the safety   its quick commerce service, Tez, in India.
        complexes and using electric vehicles   of our delivery partners is of utmost   Amazon has also started testing its
        for last-mile delivery to navigate traffic-  importance,” says Mishra of Blinkit.  quick commerce delivery service with
        congested areas more efficiently.                                    employees in select Bengaluru pincodes.
           “Roadcast’s platform ensures rapid   Environmental impact            Meanwhile, Flipkart has already
        delivery times for quick commerce   and sustainability               entered the quick commerce race with
        businesses by providing real-time   The environmental impact of quick   its service, Minutes.
        visibility, route optimisation, and   commerce is multifaceted. The     Moreover, the sector is influencing
        predictive analytics. These features   rapid growth of dark stores and   consumer behaviour in unexpected
        streamline the logistics process,   frequent delivery runs has sparked   ways. The availability of instant delivery
        minimising delays and ensuring efficient   concerns about carbon emissions and   is changing how people plan their
        delivery. Our platform facilitated over   packaging waste.           purchases and manage their time. For
        a million plus global deliveries and   Companies are placing greater   many urban Indians, the corner store is
        supported over two million plus vehicles   emphasis on sustainability initiatives,   no longer a physical location but an app
        with real-time visibility. For example,   with major players like Blinkit and Zepto   on their phone.
        dynamic route adjustments ensure   committing to a shift towards electric   As the dust settles on the initial gold
        drivers avoid traffic congestion, cutting   delivery vehicles. While electric vehicles   rush, what's emerging is a more mature,
        delivery times significantly,” says Mehra   have already been introduced for many   nuanced approach to rapid delivery, one
        of Roadcast.                       deliveries in tier one metropolitan cities,   that balances speed with sustainability,
           Fluctuating demand patterns,    the goal is to fully transition to electric   growth with profitability, and innovation
        influenced by festive surges and location-  vehicle deliveries.      with responsibility. In this evolving
        specific needs, challenge logistics   Blinkit has recently launched a fleet   landscape, the winners will likely be
        planning and resource allocation,” says   of all-electric vehicles in Delhi and   those who can deliver not just quickly,
        Ravi Goel, CBO of RapidShyp, a full-  Gurugram. This new fleet is specifically   but smartly and sustainably. 
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