Page 20 - ITLN January - February 2025
P. 20

             Pharma Logistics

         in this area has positioned us as a
         trusted partner. Additionally, our end-
         to-end logistics solutions including
         storage, distribution and timely
         deliveries are highly valued by clients
         who rely on us for seamless supply
         chain management. The demand for
         specialised services, particularly during                                                                                                                                                    Experience
         time sensitive situations, has further
         underscored the importance of these                                                                                                                                                          Connectivity
         offerings in meeting our customers’
         needs effectively."

         Pharma logistics and sustainability                                                                                                                                                          June 2–5, 2025
         Bhattacharya of UPS says: "With data       We utilise IoT-                   Jeena Criticare                                                                                                 Messe München
         showing that the global pharma sector
         is more carbon intensive than the global   enabled sensors, real-         is the demonstration
         automotive sector, many healthcare       time tracking and                 of our commitment
         companies are prioritising sustainability   warehouse management          to addressing unique
         when deciding which companies        system (WMS), integrated           challenges, ensuring that
         to partner with. Sustainability is,   with customer systems,            vital healthcare products
         therefore, an important consideration in   to enhance visibility,        reach their destinations
         everything we do.
           "Since 2021, UPS has reduced its       predict disruptions            safely and on time, even
         carbon emissions by 14 percent. We’ve     and proactively                 under extraordinary
         done this by making investments            manage risks.                     circumstances.
         that optimise and put continuous         Anoop Chauhan                        Rajib Guha
         improvement at the heart of planning          DP World                     Jeena Criticare Logistics
         across the business. This includes
         designing healthcare warehouses that
         meet the highest sustainable standards,   Maersk has set a target to achieve   minimise fuel consumption and leverage
         increasing automation, and working   Net Zero greenhouse gas emissions   environmentally friendly vehicles, such                                                                Get your ticket!
         with industry leading partners to reuse,   across its operations by 2040. Agrawal   as CNG and electric options, including
         reduce and safely dispose of waste.”  says: “The shipping industry contributes   motorbikes, to significantly lower our                                               
           Sustainability in pharma logistics   around three percent of global   carbon footprint. Our commitment to
         is a key priority for Etihad Cargo, and   emissions, and the pharmaceutical   sustainability extends to implementing
         the initiatives align with Abu Dhabi’s   industry accounts for 4.4 percent,   energy-efficient systems in our offices
         broader sustainability vision. Srinivasan   making decarbonisation a crucial   and utilising recyclable materials
         says: "Etihad Cargo is committed   focus area. We're seeing encouraging   for packaging.”
         to reducing environmental impact   progress in several areas, including   Sustainability is a key pillar of DP
         through AI-driven optimisation and the   reducing product waste, optimising   World's approach to pharma operations,
         deployment of fuel-efficient aircraft like   packaging and decreasing transport   adds Chauhan. "DP World is committed
         the Boeing 787 Dreamliner, lowering   emissions. One particularly effective   to meeting 100 percent of its energy
         the carbon footprint of our operations.  strategy has been helping customers   needs through solar power, significantly
           "Collaboration with partners    transition from air to sea transport   reducing its carbon footprint. Energy-
         has played a vital role in advancing   where feasible, significantly reducing   efficient warehouses and infrastructure
         sustainable practices. Together, we   their carbon footprint while maintaining   further support sustainability goals. With
         have launched reusable thermal    product integrity.”                seven rail-linked terminals and over 90
         blankets, biodegradable materials    Sustainability is a core principle   operating rakes, our rail services reduce
         and recyclable packaging solutions.   that sees day-to-day integration into   emissions by 70 percent compared to
         All materials are rigorously tested to   Jeena’s operations, says Guha. "We are   road transport. Double-stack trains
         ensure they meet the performance and   conscious of reducing our environmental   increase efficiency, while our carbon
         safety requirements of pharmaceutical   footprint by adopting eco-friendly   emissions calculator helps customers
         logistics while reducing waste and   practices across our logistics processes.   track and reduce their carbon impact
         supporting environmental goals.”  We optimise transportation routes to   across transport modes." 
          January - February 2025                                                           

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