Page 14 - ITLN January - February 2025
P. 14

             Pharma Logistics

         Supply chain challenges

         of personalised drugs,

         and ways to tackle them

         The task for all players in the chain is to remember what is at stake here - a patient’s
         life and how best to ensure medicines reach them on time and in desired condition.
            Jyothi Shankaran
         A                                 multi-modality in our supply chains   volumes compared to 2023. Given the
                 growing market, a
                                                                             potential of these two major pharma
                 challenging market, and an
                                           and built-in contingencies."
                                                                             markets, we expect to grow our share
                 engrossing market. That
                 could well be the description
                                           Etihad Cargo’s PharmaLife service
         of the Indian pharmaceutical logistics   Specialised solutions      further by 2025.”
                                                                               Maersk has reported strong interest
         market now and in the coming days,   has been extremely well-received   in its integrated pharma cold
         given the challenges of healthcare,   by pharmaceutical shippers in India,   chain management
         new viruses and personalised      according to Giridharan Srinivasan,   solution,
         medicines becoming the norm.      Area General Manager – Indian
           2024 was the year when the pharma   Subcontinent, Etihad Cargo. "The
         industry actually saw the coming-  launch of several PharmaLife
         of-age of direct-to-patient logistics.   roadshows in 2024 substantially
         "With the increased focus on biologics,   boosted awareness and understanding
         specialty pharmaceuticals and     of our dedicated life sciences and
         personalised medicine, advancements   healthcare offering, leading to a
         in cold chain technology will need to   doubling of PharmaLife volumes
         keep up to ensure patients across the   within a year.
         world continue to receive the quality   "India’s pharmaceutical industry,
         service and care they deserve," says   which exports medicines to over 200
         Arnab Bhattacharya, Country Manager,   countries, is often cited as producing
         UPS Healthcare, India. "We’ve seen   between 60-70 percent of the world’s
         with our 99.9 percent on-time delivery   generic drugs. India’s prominent role
         of vaccines, the levels of reliability we   as a global pharma hub is driven
         can deliver as an industry.       by its large-scale generic drug
           "The future of cold chain will be   manufacturing capabilities and
         shaped by five key challenges – the   extensive export reach, according to
         increased need for deep-frozen and   the Indian Brand Equity Foundation
         cryogenic storage; on-going and   (IBEF) and various government
         unexpected disruption to supply   reports With over 46,000 tonnes of
         chains caused by factors such     cargo handled annually and 588
         as labour disruptions, shifts in   monthly rotations connecting India
         manufacturing or added strain on the   to over 100 destinations, we have
         global freight market; enhanced costs   strengthened partnerships within
         and complexities of scale; ensuring   this vital market.
         coordination and collaboration       “India is now our #6 PharmaLife
         with new entrants into the complex   country within Etihad Cargo’s
         healthcare value chain; and increased   network. Our top stations -
         sustainability requirements.      Hyderabad and Mumbai - are on an
           "We will continue to work closely   impressive upward trajectory with
         as an industry to plan resilience and   a 56 percent increase in shipped
          January - February 2025
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