Page 12 - ITLN January - February 2025
P. 12

Cover Story

                 With the use of
               technology, almost
               real-time picking is
               possible today, and
                 picking time has
             significantly reduced to
                   as low as a
               minute in the quick
                commerce world.
                Kamlesh Kumar

           Emiza is a 3PL provider specialising   workflows and strict cut-off times for   accessible, scalable, and user-friendly
         in warehousing and fulfilment     Same-Day Delivery (SDD) and Next-  digital tools.
         solutions. Rao thinks the way forward   Day Delivery (NDD) services.”  SMEs face multiple challenges
         is by building dedicated infrastructure,   It is impossible to overestimate   with intralogistics inventory
         a pan-India network and strict    the importance of technology in this   and warehouse management.
         processes. “Warehousing facilities   ecosystem. For instance, Aleksandra   Malhotra explains, “Firstly,
         should be equipped with multi-tier   Malhotra, Director of Kladana in   tracking stock movements across
         shelving systems that maximise space   India pointed out that the demand for   numerous warehouses, shop
         utilisation, enhance picking speed,   cloud-based inventory and warehouse   floors, subcontractors’ facilities,
         and minimise product damage. A    management systems (WMS) among     retail outlets, and more. Using
         robust returns management system   Indian SMEs is growing.           WMS and inventory management
         is crucial for helping brands minimise   This trend is driven by mobile   software, entrepreneurs can make
         losses and avoid cash flow issues   internet expansion, government   internal transfers of goods between
         caused by stuck inventory,” he said.   initiatives like UPI, GST compliance,   companies’ units, and create internal
           Additionally, Rao argues that   e-invoicing, and the rise of       orders with statuses and tasks
         a robust technology platform is   e-commerce. “Despite this,” Malhotra   assigned to certain employees.
         indispensable for seamless integration   said, “some SMEs attempt to build   Conducting inventory counts, stock
         with marketplaces, brand websites,   custom systems, which often become   adjustments, write-offs, and other
         and other sales channels, enabling   costly and inefficient over time.   internal warehousing operations
         precise inventory management      Starting with a simple, scalable   also increases stock level accuracy.
         and Service Level Agreement (SLA)   Enterprise Resource Planning     Secondly, slow order processing can
         adherence. He added, “Real-time   (ERP) or WMS solution is a better   be overcome by using professional
         dashboards offering visibility into   alternative. It is easier to implement   software: pick lists, synchronised
         inventory and order tracking further   and adapt as the business grows.”  stock levels, and barcoding for the
         enhance operational efficiency.      Kladana is a cloud-based ERP    correct item, bundle, or storage bin
         Furthermore, an advanced tech     and WMS provider that focuses      identification can improve both speed
         framework supports well-defined   on empowering Indian SMEs with     and quality of order fulfilment.”
          January - February 2025                                                           
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