Page 38 - ITLN July - Aug 2023 for Magzter
P. 38


         va-Q-tec India marks first anniversary

             a-Q-tec India
         Vcelebrated its first
         anniversary in Mumbai
         and Hyderabad. The event
         was attended by over 200
         guests, including shippers,
         forwarders, airlines, and
         partners. The occasion
         served as an opportunity
         to showcase va-Q-tec's
         product portfolio, allowing
         existing and potential
         customers to engage in a
         hands-on experience.
           Christopher J Storch,
         global head of sales
         TempChain and a board
         of directors for va-Q-tec
         India, delivered a keynote
         presentation on sustainability,
         measurement criteria, and
         data sheet preparation for
         customer evaluation. Ravi
         Kumar Tummalapalli, the
         managing director of va-Q-tec
         India, shared the journey of
         setting up the subsidiary and
         also the achievements and
         recognitions attained by va-Q-  as a company at the   temperature environment     va-Q-tec has been present
         tec India.                 forefront of developing   for an extended period,    in India for the past seven
           The event also launched   innovative solutions in the   typically lasting between 4   years, but in 2021, it took
         va-Q-lite, a highly        insulation industry. One   to 10 days. Manufactured in   a step forward by opening
         sustainable one-time-use   of the key offerings from   Germany, va-Q-tec places   a 100% subsidiary office in
         box, and va-Q-genic, a     va-Q-tec is their range of   utmost importance on    Mumbai. This move aimed
         cryogenic system for deep   passive thermal packaging   maintaining the highest   to expand our geographical
         frozen shipments.          solutions, including      quality standards, as      presence and also to introduce
           Incorporated in 2001,    containers and boxes. These   evidenced by its patented   our complete product portfolio
         va-Q-tec has emerged       solutions ensure a constant   control system.        to the Indian market.

         Exim Integrated Club (EIC) Mumbai chapter

         organised 5th Get-together & Networking Meet

                                                     he Mumbai chapter of Exim    sustainability and from regulations
                                                 TIntegrated Club (EIC), the      to the latest innovations.
                                                 association of logistics and export-  The meeting of logistics service
                                                 import companies, organised the   providers brought in several
                                                 5th Get-together & Networking    stakeholders across the spectrum
                                                 Meet in Vashi, Navi Mumbai on    and had presentations and panel
                                                 June 24, 2023.                   discussions on pressing issues
                                                    The theme of the event was    including the need for regulatory
                                                 “Confluence of Cargo LSPs.” The   compliances developing in many
                                                 event addressed the challenges   parts of the world. As the platform
                                                 faced by the Indian export and   for professionals in cross-border
                                                 import and logistics community   trade, the get-together also provided
                                                 ranging from customs to          the opportunity to network.
         July - August 2023                                                                    
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