Page 34 - ITLN July - Aug 2023 for Magzter
P. 34


         Maersk launches One Country, One

         Price e-commerce fulfilment solution

                                                              aersk announced an       solutions such as storage in
                                                          Me-commerce fulfilment       warehouses, last-mile deliveries
                                                          solution in India with which   and executing return orders
                                                          all elements will be available   while providing end-to-end
                                                          through a single window at a   visibility at unified pricing."
                                                          flat rate of ₹80 per order.    Vikash Agarwal, managing
                                                             "This solution has primarily   director, Maersk South Asia
                                                          been targeted at a typical   says, “India’s e-commerce
                                                          small or medium e-commerce   business has great growth
                                                          business in India that relies   potential. But the highly
                                                          on multiple logistics partners   fragmented market and supply
                                                          for different activities," says   chain complexity are hurdles
                                                          an official release. "With this   to many businesses' growth.
                                                          solution, Maersk is taking the   With our new solution, we want
                                                          complexities out of customers’   to stay true to our purpose
                                                          supply chains by providing single   of improving life for all by
                                                          window access to all required   integrating the world.”

           TVS ILP to develop additional 10
           mn sq ft in 30 more cities by 2027

              he logistics parks developer TVS Industrial
           T& Logistics Parks (TVS ILP) announced that
           it intends to expand its portfolio from 10 million
              square feet (sq ft) across 19 facilities in 11
                      Indian cities to 20 million sq ft in
                         41 cities by 2027 with $75-85
                            million annual spending.
                               The warehousing space
                              provider intends to
                               achieve this by developing
                               a warehousing facility
                               close to the consumption   Industrial, warehousing
                               and demand centre in
                               every 400 kilometres       absorbed 22 mn sq ft in
                              of the length and
                             breadth of the country, as
                            briefed by TVS ILP's chief    H12023: Savills India
                          operating officer Manikandan
                       Ramachandran.                       n H1 2023, the industrial and   The industrial and
                   He said, “Over the next few years, the   Iwarehousing sector recorded   warehousing sector also
           annual spend would be approximately $75-85 mn   a total absorption of 22 million   witnessed a new supply of
           per year and we intend to be a 20 million sq ft   sq. ft., indicating a 7 percent   27 million sq. ft. during
           platform with contracted revenue of $750 mn."  increase compared to the 21   the same period, reflecting
             TVS ILP has a wide customer portfolio with   million sq. ft. absorbed in the   a 36 percent growth from the
           manufacturing occupying 38 percent of its      first half of 2022. Tier I cities   20 million sq. ft. recorded
           business, auto & auto ancillary 27 percent,    accounted for 75 percent of   in the first half of 2022,
           e-commerce 22 percent, Third Party Logistics   the total absorption in the first   according to the latest
           (3PL) six percent and Fast Moving Consumer     half of 2023, while tier II and   research by Savills India,
           Goods/Durables (FMCG/D) 5 percent.             III contributed the remaining   an International real estate
                                                          25 percent.                  advisory firm.
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