Page 31 - ITLN July - Aug 2023 for Magzter
P. 31

Leveraging ULIP as an enabler for                                            nder the purview of
                                                                                          National Logistics
             digital transformation logistics                                      UPolicy, government
                                                                                    of India has implemented
                                                                                    Unified Logistics Interface
                                                  & operations, and the final       Platform (ULIP) which
                                                  delivery & sign-off.              aims at breaking individual
                                                     We see ULIP as a               silos, promote integration
                                                  transformational initiative in    among various ministries/
                                                  the logistics sector that will    departments and create a
                                                  bring ease of doing business      single window thus bringing
                                                  by simplifying the logistics      efficiency and transparency in
                                                  processes, improving              the trade. ULIP has emerged
                                                  efficiency, bringing in           as a digital gateway for the
                                                  transparency, and reducing        logistics ecosystem to access
                                                  cost & time.                      data available with various
                                                     At Safexpress we are           government systems for
                                                  developing solutions on           track/trace, authentication,
                                                  ULIP for our internal fleet       document digitization,
                                                  operations management             process automation as well as
                                                  wherein vehicle & driver          discovery services.
                                                                                      ULIP has been designed
           Sandeep                                information fetched from          as an independent virtual
                                                  VAHAN, SARATHI & FASTag
           Dewangan                               platforms will be used for        gateway without impacting or
                                                  business-critical processes
                                                                                    interfering the regulatory and
           Group CIO, Safexpress                  such as:                          operational procedure of any
                                                  1. Onboarding and on-
                                                                                    concerned ministry. All modes
                                                  demand audit of new or            of logistics (sea, air, road,
           Safexpress has firmly entrenched       existing vehicle and drivers
           itself as the ‘Knowledge Leader’   in our fleet
           and ‘Market Leader’ of the         • Vehicle Information: Make,
           supply chain & logistics industry.   Model, Year, Chassis No, Engine
           Safexpress offers a complete       No, COV, PUC, Insurance etc.
           spectrum of supply chain &         • Driver Information: Name,
           logistics services including express   Photo, Address, Age,
           distribution, 3PL and consulting   Education, Aadhar No, PAN,
           services to enterprise customers.   License Details etc.
             We have been significantly       • Perform on demand health
           involved in the Indian economic    check-up of vehicle and driver.
           growth saga for the whole of last   2. Expense management
           decade. With our fleet of 10,000+   & tracking through toll
           GPS-enabled vehicles and the       charges and toll plaza
           country’s largest network spanning   details
           31190 pin codes, we cover every    3. Automate these
           square-inch of India. We operate   process workflows
           on 2350+ routes round the clock    through alerts &
           and deliver more than 13 crore     notifications for
           packages a year to over 5000       renewals, change or
           corporates across India.           incidents.
             At Safexpress, we are            This eliminates the
           executing a comprehensive          challenges of:
           digital transformation program     1. Manual, time consuming
           that integrates & enables all      & error prone management
           key aspects of business –          of data and documents of
           processes, systems & people.       vehicles and drivers
           Modernization, cloud, analytics    2. And, lack of real time central
           & cyber security are the core      repository of commercial
           pillars in this journey. Our       vehicles and drivers
           business transactions are 100      Thus, we are stepping up our
           percent digital. Right from the    process efficiency & accuracy
           point a parcel is picked up, to the   several notches by participating
           truck that moves it, to the hub    in ULIP initiative.
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