Page 27 - ITLN July - Aug 2023 for Magzter
P. 27

Setting such an ambitious aim
                                                                               demonstrates India's desire to improve
                                                                               its logistics skills. The achievement
                                                                               of this aim is dependent on a variety
                                                                               of elements, including the adoption
                                                                               of effective policies, infrastructural
                                                                               investments, regulatory changes, and
                                                                               stakeholder collaboration. Is the target
                                                                               achievable by 2030? Or do we require
                                                                               more time?
                                                                                 “This is a positive development.
                                                                               It suggests that the country has
                                                                               made progress in enhancing its
                                                                               logistics infrastructure, efficiency,
                                                 The implementation of         and connectivity. This achievement
                                                DFCs brings advantages         demonstrates a commitment to
                                                 such as reduced transit       improving trade facilitation and supply
                                                                               chain operations. An important step
                                                  time, lower logistics        in this direction is NLP which aims
                                                   costs, decongestion         to improve coordination among
                                                   of existing railway         different modes of transportation and
                                                infrastructure, and more.      reduce reliance on road transport. By
                                                  These developments           reducing logistics costs and improving
                                                    align with global          efficiency, the NLP aligns with India's
                                                                               goal of becoming a global economic
                                                    energy efficiency          powerhouse and improving its LPI index
                                                   and environmental           seems achievable,” said Ketan Kulkarni,
                                                sustainability standards,      Chief Commercial Officer, Blue Dart.
                                                contributing to a higher         “Why not – it is just 13 places! Global
                                                rail transportation share      competitiveness is important for India
                                                  and reduced logistics        to grow and one thing that I can bet
                                                                               upon is India’s prowess to transform
                                                   expenses in India.          digitally. Further with the initiatives
                                                    Ketan Kulkarni             of government from NLP, Unified
                                                         Blue Dart             Logistics Interface Platform (ULIP) and
                                                                               the ongoing development in ports, I am
                                                                               very optimistic about it,” said Harpreet
                                              The National Logistics Policy (NLP)   Singh Malhotra, Chairman & Managing
                                            and dedicated freight corridor (DFC)   Director, Tiger Logistics.
            ndia's logistics business is    initiatives are reshaping India's logistics   The PM GatiShakti National Master
            fragmented, with numerous       sector. Improving connectivity within the   Plan (PMGS-NMP) fosters a coordinated
            unorganised companies and       country and speeding shipments in and   approach, leveraging technology
        Ihigh logistics costs. However,     out of India will position the country as a   for infrastructure planning and
        its significance became apparent    geographically superior transit hub and   development.
        during the lockdown, when support   key layover spot.                    “Investments in trade-related soft
        from logistics became critical for                                     and hard infrastructure, along with the
        performing any type of business. The   To be at the 25th by 2030       implementation of supply chain visibility
        Indian logistics business is predicted   The World Bank has recognized   platforms like the Logistics Data Bank
        to develop significantly as a result of   India's efforts to improve logistics   project, have contributed to reducing
        many government efforts aimed at    efficiency. India has shown tremendous   delays. Achieving the ambitious goal
        maintaining a smooth movement of    development on 4 out of 6 LPI indicators   of reaching the 25th position by 2030
        commodities across the country.     as a result of numerous efforts    appears feasible with continued efforts
           In the 7th edition of the Logistics   launched over the last several years.  and adaptability to changing dynamics,”
        Performance Index (LPI 2023), India   To guarantee essential efficiency   said Aditya Shah, Executive Director,
        jumps 6 places to Rank 38 out of    in the logistics industry, the central   V-Trans & CEO, V-Xpress.
        139 nations in the World Bank's     government announced the NLP in      “In view of the Indian government’s
        logistics ranking. Since 2015, India   2022. The government has set a target   plans to create a modern logistics
        has undertaken a number of steps to   of increasing its LPI score to the top   infrastructure through initiatives like
        increase its logistics efficiency.   25 by 2030.                       PM GatiShakti, it looks set that India is
                                                                                                                  25                                                                                 July - August 2023
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