Page 29 - ITLN July - Aug 2023 for Magzter
P. 29

wrong in setting global standards,   section connects Sohnewal in Punjab
                                            because it will help reduce the    to Dankuni in West Bengal, while
                                            competitiveness gap of India’s logistics   the Western DFC links Dadri in Uttar
                                            with global counterparts. Optimising   Pradesh to JNPT in Mumbai, connecting
                                            the logistics modal mix, digitalisation of   major ports along the way.
                                            supply chain operations and the logistics   “India's NRP aims to address economic
                                            industry, as well as the development of   and environmental considerations, with
                                            omnichannel, exploring our waterways   DFCs playing a crucial role. DFCs are
                                            further for enhanced domestic      vital due to their ability to reduce transit
                                            connectivity and the movement towards   time and lower logistics costs. DFC’s
                                            green supply chains and enhancing skill   are expected to increase the rail share
                                            development in logistics will be crucial   in transportation from 30 per cent to 45
                                            for India's growth,” said Malhotra.  per cent, resulting in reduced logistics
                                                                               costs. The implementation of DFCs
                                            DFCs - the future of logistics     under the NRP brings advantages such
                                            FFinance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman   as reduced transit time, lower logistics
                                            has allocated Rs 27,482 crore to the   costs, decongestion of existing railway
                                            Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation   infrastructure, increased train speeds,
                                            of India (DFCC) for the fiscal year   and improved connectivity for efficient
                                            2023-24 (FY24), a 75% increase from Rs   goods movement. These developments
                                            15,710.44 crore in FY23. According to the   align with global energy efficiency and
                                            Budget, the DFCC will fund Rs 15,241   environmental sustainability standards,
                                            crore through internal accruals.   contributing to a higher rail transportation
                                              “The National Rail Plan (NRP)    share and reduced logistics expenses in
                                            knowing the importance of DFCs for   India,” said Kulkarni.
                                            economic and environmental reasons   DFCs offer several benefits to the
                                            is commendable. However, successful   Indian Railway network. They ease
          providers is essential. By leveraging   implementation requires collaborative   congestion, allowing smoother freight
        these strategies, India has the potential   efforts and infrastructure investment. The   movement and increasing average
        to achieve its goal of reducing logistics   NRP's emphasis on DFCs is a positive   train speeds from 25 kilometres per
        costs to 9% by 2024,” said Shah.    step towards an efficient, cost-effective,   hour to 70 kilometres per hour. These
           According to the Economic Survey   and environmentally friendly freight   corridors can accommodate heavy haul
        2022-23, logistics costs in India have been   transportation system,” said Shah.  trains with a total load of 13,000 tonnes
        in the range of 14-18% of GDP, compared   DFCs provide efficient freight   and facilitate longer and double-stack
        to the worldwide standard of 8%. Union   movement by reducing transit   container trains.
        Home Minister Amit Shah stated in   times and logistical costs. It       “DFC is expected to provide the
        March during the annual session of   has the potential to improve      much-needed impetus to enhance
        Assocham, the Associated Chambers   supply chain operations, drive     efficiency and increase the speed
        of Commerce and Industry of India, a   economic development, and boost   of cargo transportation. However,
        non-governmental trade association and   competitiveness. Furthermore,    along with speed, traceability is key
        advocacy group based in New Delhi, that   by lowering emissions, DFCs have    to ensure the owner has real-time
        the government is working to reduce   the potential to contribute to   visibility of the goods from dispatch to
        logistics costs to GDP to 8 per cent from   sustainability goals.      delivery. In fact, it was reported that
        the current 13 per cent.              “Separating freight traffic from   the Indian Railways will be installing
           “We will have to remove the 8 per   passenger traffic is very important in   the global positioning system (GPS)
        cent and 13 per cent gap. We have   a country like India. Also, the double-  in wagons for their real-time tracking
        formulated a framework for the next   stack container trains will be able   and this will be complemented by
        five years. I can assure you that we will   to substantially reduce the unit cost   RFID tags which have been installed
        reach 7.5 per cent logistics cost in the   of freight transport and hence save   in most of these rolling stock. RFID
        next five years,” he said.          logistics costs. Next, the hubs located   tags installed in wagons have all the
           With policies like enabling 100%   near EDFC & WDFC catchment area   details relating to the rolling stock
        foreign direct investment in logistics   will also grow due to an increase in   such as the year of manufacturing,
        parks and warehouses, the NLP, and   EXIM traffic, furthering supply chain   name of manufacturer and capacity.
        the latest 14-country pact, India is set   optimization,” said Malhotra.   The combination of GPS and RFID
        for rapid expansion.                  The DFC project, India's largest rail   will serve a greater purpose. As all
           “The global benchmark and average   infrastructure endeavour, covers 2,843   the data will be available at both the
        logistics cost is around 8%. While our   kilometres. After limited progress   central and zonal levels, there will be
        country has its own challenges to tackle,   since 2006, the project is now ready   more efficient utilization of the stock
        solve and manage, there is nothing   to launch in phases. The Eastern DFC   on hand,” said Gupta.
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