Page 16 - ITLN May June 2023 Magazine
P. 16

Special Report
            Dedicated Freight

         Demand increasing

         but             loooooong way

         to go forDFCs

         “Rail is a more sustainable, lower emission offering than
         hundreds of trucks moving cargo over 1,200 kilometres.”

            Jyothi Shankaran

            ndian Railways recorded freight    With passenger and goods trains   and Rs 89,436 crore ($11 billion) of
            loading of 1,512 million tonnes   moving on the same tracks, India   capital expenditure.
            in the financial year 2022-2023,   decided to move to dedicated freight   "The Indian Railways has set an
         Ian increase of seven percent      corridors (DFCs) in 2006, and at the   ambitious freight target of 3,000 million
         from the previous year with net tonne   end of March 31, 2022 here are the   tonnes for 2027-28," Vinay Kumar
         kilometres (NTKMs) increasing 10   stats: 1,277 kms DFCs operational,   Tripathi, Chairman, Dedicated Freight
         percent to 903 billion NTKMs.      100 kmph speed potential on DFCs    Corporation of India mentioned in

     Photo: Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation

         May - June 2023                                                                       
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