Page 14 - ITLN May-June 2024 for Magzter
P. 14

Industry Report
                Freight Corridors

         Dedicated freight corridors

         Transforming India's

              logistics backbone

         Dedicated to advancing India's economic prowess, the 2,843-kilometer Dedicated Freight
         Corridor network is setting the wheels of transformation in motion. These high-speed
         corridors are not only slashing cargo transit times and cutting costs but also providing
         unparalleled freight efficiency. The Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor (EDFC) stands
         fully commissioned, while the Western Dedicated Freight Corridor (WDFC) is at 93.2%
         completion, with the remaining work scheduled for the financial year 2024-25. This
         infrastructure marvel is fueling the nation's rise as an economic powerhouse across sectors.
            Parijat Sourabh

                 s the world's fifth-largest   Gujarat, Rajasthan, Haryana, and Uttar   for the DFCs from the Japanese
                 economy with a population   Pradesh. While the Eastern Dedicated   Government. By October 2007, the
                 of approximately 1.428    Freight Corridor (EDFC) stretches over   feasibility study report was delivered to
         Abillion people, India            1,337 kilometers, encompassing various   India's Ministry of Railways.
         is eyeing to gain the spot of the   sections: Sahnewal to Khurja (401 km),   Concurrently, the ministry began
         world's third-largest economy. With   Khurja to Bhaupur (351 km), Bhaupur   efforts to create a special-purpose
         the Indian e-commerce market      to DDU (Deen Dayal Upadhyay junction,   vehicle to manage the construction,
         projected to be worth $ 112.93 billion   formerly Mughalsarai) (402 km), DDU   operation, and maintenance of the
         in 2024 and expected to reach USD   to Sonnagar (137 km), and the Khurja   DFCs, resulting in the formation of the
         299.01 billion by 2029 (representing   to Dadri segment (46 km). “The Eastern   Dedicated Freight Corridor Corporation
         a staggering 21.5% CAGR), the     Dedicated Freight Corridor (EDFC) is   of India Limited (DFCCIL). DFCCIL was
         nation is rapidly transforming into   fully commissioned and the Western   entrusted with the responsibility for
         a growing manufacturing hub. To   Dedicated Freight Corridor (WDFC)   planning, financial resource mobilisation,
         bolster this rapid economic expansion,   is also 93.2% completed and the   construction, operation, maintenance,
         a substantial multi-billion dollar   remaining work will be completed in the   and business development of the DFCs,
         infrastructure initiative known as the   financial year 2024-25,” said a DFCCIL   marking a significant milestone in the
         Dedicated Freight Corridor (DFC) is   official in a quote to Indian Transport &   project's implementation.
         set to transform the nation's freight   Logistics News (ITLN).         From DFCCIL's perspective, the
         transportation sector, solidifying its   These high-speed, heavy-haul   Dedicated Freight Corridors are
         standing as a logistics powerhouse.  electric cargo corridors are not   expected to yield transformative
           The Dedicated Freight Corridor   only enhancing freight velocity and   impacts on the Indian economy and
         Corporation of India (DFCCIL)     reliability but also significantly   infrastructure.“The objective of DFC
         spearheads the DFC project,       reducing logistics costs.          is to reduce the logistics cost below
         constructing dedicated freight       The concept of Dedicated Freight   10% as per the National Logistics
         railways across India. As of 2024,   Corridors (DFCs) in India was first   Policy. EDFC & WDFC connect the
         the Eastern and Western Dedicated   introduced by the government during   hinterland – land-locked states in the
         Freight Corridors, with a combined   the presentation of the Railway Budget   North with the ports of the Western
         length of 2,843 kilometers (1,766   for the fiscal year 2005-06. This   coast. DFC facilitates the speedy
         miles), are transforming freight   initiative gained further momentum in   movement of goods, the transportation
         movement in the country.          April 2005 when it was discussed at the   time on EDFC between the coal fields
           The Western Dedicated Freight   Japan-India Summit Meeting, leading   of Eastern India & power stations of
         Corridor (WDFC) spans 1,506       to a declaration of cooperation signed   North India has decreased from 35 hrs
         kilometers, linking the JNPT port in   by the Prime Ministers of both nations.   to 20 hrs. The inventory costs of power
         Mumbai to Dadri in Uttar Pradesh,   This declaration outlined plans for a   plants due to significantly reduced
         traversing through Maharashtra,   feasibility study and potential funding   transit time have been reduced by
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