Page 9 - ITLN May-June 2024 for Magzter
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standpoint to meet the future needs of                               time tracking. Advanced tracking
        project logistics,” he stated.                                       systems and data analytics have been
           Underscoring the fragmented                                       implemented to enhance visibility
        nature of the supply chain in India,                                 and better manage high-value cargo,
        Debajyoti Bagchi, Vice President -                                   helping achieve over 99% on-time
        Business Development, TT Group,                                      deliveries for project logistics services.
        the GSSA for Silkway West Airlines                                      With a growing emphasis on
        stated, “Coordinating between                                        sustainability, companies are also
        different stakeholders and managing                                  exploring eco-friendly solutions. They
        multiple handovers can lead to delivery                              are using alternative fuels like bio-CNG
        inefficiencies, coordination challenges                              for their truck fleets, optimising routes
        and may lead to missing connection.”                                 to reduce empty miles by 20%, and
                                                                             implementing green logistics strategies
        Innovative Solutions                    Simplifying customer         to reduce their carbon footprint.
        To overcome infrastructure challenges,   procedures, limiting
        logistics companies are adopting                                     Impact of Government Initiatives
        multimodal transportation solutions.   paperwork, integrating        The government's "Make in
        By combining different modes like         technology within          India" initiative and infrastructure
        road, rail, and coastal shipping,    procedures has facilitated      development projects have created a
        they can optimise efficiency and          better and faster          surge in demand for project logistics
        cost-effectiveness for their project     customer clearance          services. These initiatives have opened
        cargo movements. Companies with          for project logistics       up significant business opportunities,
        Multimodal Logistics Park networks                                   and companies have had to scale up
        allow them to integrate these modes.    companies to thrive.         their operations to meet the growing
        Embracing digital technologies has        Nikhil Agarwal              demand. According to a recent report
        become crucial for streamlining            CJ Darcl Logistics           by McKinsey Global Institute, India's
        operations and ensuring real-                                             logistics market is expected to
                                                                                     reach $320 billion by 2025. To
                                                                                      support the "Make in India"
                                                                                         initiative, companies are
                                                                                          focusing on localisation
                                                                                          efforts. They are
                                                                                           developing specialised
                                                                                           equipment like
                                                                                            hydraulic axles and
                                                                                            a skilled workforce
                                                                                             within the country
                                                                                             to better cater to
                                                                                              the local market.
                                                                                              Investments in
                                                                                               training and

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