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VOLUME 15 - ISSUE 3 |  MAY-JUNE 2024
                                                                                       GROUP EDITOR-IN-CHIEF                          Everything For Your Logistics
                                                                                            R. K. Patra
                                                                                             EDITOR                                                 Needs in One Place
                                                                                            Reji John
                                                                                                                                     The largest global shipping marketplace. Search over 10 Million routes
                                                                                         ASSOCIATE EDITOR
                                                                                         Jyothi Shankaran                       Gain access to the best digital tools to streamline your supply chain operations.
                                                                                         ASSISTANT EDITOR
                                                                                        Libin Chacko Kurian
                                                                                        SALES & MARKETING
                                                                                            Renju Raju

                                                                                          ART DIRECTOR
                                                                                           Suhas Patki
         COVER STORY                     FOCUS                                
                                                                                      SENIOR GRAPHIC DESIGNER
         04    Trucking industry on cusp of   18  Startups disrupting India’s logistics
                                                                                          Prasad Mohite
                                              sector: A revolution in motion
               growth, with challenges
         Road transport carries 70% of India’s   Startups are disrupting logistics by leveraging technology   SENIOR DESIGNER
         domestic freight. As road freight   and innovative business models. Their focus on last-mile   Zaki Hasan
         continues to grow, the number of trucks   challenges and digitising freight in India is shaping a
         is expected to more than quadruple, from   more customer-centric ecosystem.
         four million trucks in 2022 to 17 million                                   Printed by M/s. SAISHA PRINTS
         by 2050.                        FEATURE                                   453, A-1, Shah and Nahar Industrial
                                                                                    Estate,  Dhanraj Mill Compound,
                                         24   Supply chain resilience crucial for    Lower Parel, Mumbai-400 013,
         SPOTLIGHT                            Indian pharma to offer affordable          Maharashtra, India
                                         medicines                                     Published by Priyo Patra
         06    Mapping the trajectory of   Indian pharma industry is getting into the next   on behalf of STAT MEDIA GROUP
               project logistics in India
                                         phase of growth. However, supply chain issues are
         As India progresses on its path of rapid   keeping it from offering affordable medicine. It is also   from 712, Vindhya Comm. Complex
                                                                                       Sector – 11, CBD Belapur
         economic expansion, the project logistics   time to prepare for new pharma products and offer   Navi Mumbai – 400614 – INDIA
         industry will play a vital role in facilitating   customised logistics solutions.  TEL: 022-27570550;
         the movement of oversized cargo and                                             FAX: 022-27572382
         supporting ambitious projects.   INTERVIEW
                                                                                  a STAT MEDIA GROUP venture
                                              How global supply network helps
         INDUSTRY REPORT                 28   Fleetguard Filters to be competitive
                                         Niranjan Kirloskar of Fleetguard Filters speaks about how
         12   Dedicated freight corridors:   their products are made available based on the demand                              With access to the best digital tools to streamline your supply chain operations
                                         and how shipping is done via appropriate modes of
              Transforming India’s
         logistics backbone              transport to fulfil customer requirements.
                                                                                                     Rs. 100
         With the Eastern Dedicated Freight   NEWS
         Corridor fully commissioned and                                        |   Volume 15 - Issue 3  |  May - June 2024
         Western Dedicated Freight Corridor
         93.2% completed, the 2,843-kilometer   30  Latest news updates from aviation,
         rail network is setting the wheels of   shipping and logistics, warehousing,
         transformation in motion.       e-commerce and supply chain industries.
                                                                                                                                Logistics              Ship                 Route                Tracking            SeaRates
                                                                                                                                Explorer            Schedules              Planner               System                 ERP
         DISCLAIMER                                                                     Trucking
                                                                                        on cusp of
         The Publishers regret that they cannot accept liability for error or omissions contained in this publication,   growth….
         however caused. The opinions and views contained in this publication are not necessarily those of the publishers.   with
         Readers  are  advised  to  seek  specialist  advice  before  acting  on  information  contained  in  this  publication,
         which is provided for general use and may not be appropriate for the readers’ particular circumstances. The   We are on
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         be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form with-out the permission of the publishers                                                   Instant Quote
         in writing. An exemption is hereby granted for extracts used for the purpose of fair review.
          May - June 2024                                                                   
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