Page 10 - ITLN September - October 2023 for Magzter
P. 10

Cover Story

         among the staff who handle pharma                                      mentioned guidelines on how to store,
         shipments, Pratyush Kumar, Sr.                                         how to pack and how to move. Logistics
         General Manager, Demand Planning                                       partners must be aware of those
         & Logistics Excellence, Glenmark                                       guidelines and they should be prepared
         Pharmaceuticals, wants their logistics                                 to follow them.”
         partners to support staff with proper                                    For this, he emphasised the need for
         infrastructure and equipment at the                                    trained staff who know how to maintain
         airports and seaports.                                                 the necessary temperature levels and
           “If we have three plants and                                         what are the handling protocols.
         each plant cannot dispatch the full                                      “Because poor training and
         container load, then we must have a                                    awareness amongst staff can lead to
         proper infrastructure at the seaport                                   error and lost products. We can't take
         where we can consolidate and make                                      chances and with pharma products lives
         a full container and the temperature                                   are at stake,” he said.
         conditions and other good warehouse        Poor training and             Kumar also gave an example of how
         practices need to be maintained,”      awareness amongst staff         Glenmark, which supplies semi-solids like
          he said.                               can lead to errors and         ointment and creams to the United States,
           About the processes at airports, he                                  faced the challenges in maintaining the
         noted that the temperature control      lost products. We can't        temperature in the air shipments.
         near the aeroplane after the customs    take chances and with            “We switched our packaging from
         clearance and before the goods are      pharma products lives          normal thermal covers to cold chain
         loaded into the aircraft is when he           are at stake.            packing. We now apply gel bricks on
         finds challenges.                                                      our pallets, and the weight per pallet
           “The cool dollies at the airports are    Pratyush Kumar              has doubled. Gel brick storage and
         either not appropriate to use or very    Glenmark Pharmaceuticals      destruction in the US  is also a difficult
         expensive. The unloading at the last                                   job. Still, in order to ensure that our
         moment is not acceptable. If you have   For Kumar, regulatory compliance   products are adhering to all regulatory
         taken an air waybill and then at the   is the biggest challenge in the pharma   compliances we did that,” he said.
         last moment pilots decide that we have   supply chain because it needs to meet   Transportation and handling of
         got more than enough passengers and   stringent regulatory requirements.   pharmaceuticals presents both
         then unload our goods. That not only   He said, “The pharma market is a   challenges and opportunities for all
         disturbs our schedule but also risks the   regulatory riveted market. Compliance   the cold chain industry participants
         product with damages or inappropriate   is about following good manufacturing   towards ensuring and protecting
         handling,” he added.               practices. It's about following clearly   product integrity. 
         September - October 2023                                                              
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