Page 38 - ITLN-September-October-2024-Issue-for-Website
P. 38


         JSW to invest R2,359 crore for Jaigarh,

         Dharamtar Ports expansion

           SW Infrastructure, a       Dharamtar Port’s capacity from
         Jsubsidiary of the JSW Group   34 MTPA to 55 MTPA.
         and India's second-largest     “This growth is primarily
         private commercial port      driven by the increased cargo
         operator, has approved a capital   volume from the anchor
         expenditure of ₹2,359 crore to   customer, following the planned
         expand capacity at its Jaigarh   5 MTPA steel plant at Dolvi,
         and Dharamtar ports          Maharashtra. The expansion is
         in Maharashtra.              expected to add around 27 MTPA
           The expansion will boost   in cargo handling volume, with
         Jaigarh Port’s capacity from   construction at both ports slated
         55 MTPA to 70 MTPA and       for completion by March 2027.”

         PM lays foundation                                          JNPA handles all-time high

         stone of R76,000cr                                          monthly container traffic

         Vadhvan Port in Palghar                                     in August 2024

                                                                      awaharlal Nehru Port Authority (JNPA)
                                                                     Jhandled 639,336 TEUs in August 2024 which
                                                                    is an all-time high monthly container traffic
                                                                    at the port, surpassing the previous highest
                                                                    of 603,217 TEUs handled in July 2024, driven
                                                                    by export growth of 19 percent in comparison
                                                                    with Aug 2023.
                                                                       JNPA handled 7.89 million tonnes of total
                                                                    cargo in Aug 2024 which is higher by 7 percent
                                                                    as compared to traffic in Aug 2023. During
                                                                    August 2024, JNPA handled 593 container
                                                                    rakes and 94,466 TEUs, compared to 550 rakes
            rime Minister Narendra   create opportunities for new   and 89,694 TEUs during the corresponding
         PModi laid the foundation   businesses and warehousing     period in the previous financial year. BMCT
         stone of ₹76,000 crore Vadhvan   owing to its connectivity to the   & APMT also achieved new peaks, handled
         Port in Palghar, Maharashtra on   dedicated Western Freight   202,071 TEUs & 192,137 TEUS respectively,
         August 30, 2024.            Corridor and proximity to the   which are their all-time highest monthly
           Modi said: “The Vadhvan Port   Delhi-Mumbai Expressway.   container volume handling since inception.
         will be the country's largest   “Cargo will flow in and out of
         container port and will be   the region throughout the year,
         counted among the world’s deep   thereby benefiting the people of
         water ports. It will become an   Maharashtra," he added.
         epicentre of trade and industrial   Vadhvan Port, located
         development for Maharashtra   near Dahanu town in Palghar
         and India."                 district, will be one of India’s
           He said the port would    largest deep-water ports and
         transform the economic      will provide direct connectivity
         landscape of the entire     to international shipping
         region due to railway and   routes, reducing transit times
         highway connectivity, and   and costs.
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