Page 39 - ITLN-September-October-2024-Issue-for-Website
P. 39


           Adani Ports buys 80%                                        India coal imports up 10%,

           stake in Astro Offshore                                     but growth could slow

           for $185mn                                                  Iimporter, saw its electricity generation rise
                                                                        ndia, the world’s second-largest coal
                                                                       nine percent year-on-year between January
                dani Ports and Special   and workboats and provides    and July 2024.
            AEconomic Zone              vessel management and            “Between January and August 2024,
            (APSEZ) has entered into    complementary services.        coal shipments to India rose 10 percent YoY,
            a definitive agreement to     During the year ending       outpacing an eight percent YoY increase
            acquire 80 percent stake in   April 30, 2024, Astro posted   in domestic coal mining. Thermal coal
            Astro in an all-cash        revenue of $95 million and     shipments were a key driver, supported by
            deal for $185 million,      EBITDA of $41 million,         strong electricity demand and coal import
            implying an enterprise      and closed the financial       mandates. During the rest of 2024, growth
            value of $235 million.      year as net cash positive.     may slow as demand cools,”
              Incorporated in 2009,     Astro has a roster of tier-1   says Filipe Gouveia, Shipping Analyst, BIMCO.
            Astro is a leading global   customers including NMDC,        “Dry bulk carriers in the capesize
            offshore support vessel     McDermott, COOEC, Larsen       and panamax segments benefited the
            (OSV) operator in the       & Toubro and Saipem.           most from an increase in coal cargoes
            Middle East, India, Far       “Astro’s acquisition         as we saw a shift towards larger ships
            East Asia and Africa.       is part of our roadmap         transporting coal to India. So far in 2024,
            Astro owns a fleet of 26    to becoming one of the         cargoes aboard supramax ships stagnated
            OSVs comprising anchor      world’s largest marine         and their cargo share of coal shipments to
            handling tugs (AHTs), flat   operators," says Ashwani      India fell to 21 percent from 23 percent in
            top barges, multipurpose    Gupta, Whole-time Director     2023,” says Gouveia.
            support vessels (MPSVs)     & CEO, APSEZ.

        DP World Mundra achieves record throughput in July

                                                           P World Mundra handled   and enhancing connectivity,
                                                        Dits highest-ever monthly   we are not only boosting trade
                                                        throughput of 1,29,368 TEUs in   efficiency but also supporting
                                                        July 2024.                  the growth of industries in
                                                          Since inception in 2003,    Gujarat and beyond."
                                                        DP World Mundra has           With a capacity of 1.4
                                                        achieved a total throughput of   million TEUs spread over 37
                                                        1,74,95,602 TEUs.           hectares, supported by its own
                                                          Ravinder Johal, Chief     18,000 sq. ft. container freight
                                                        Operating Officer, Ports &   station located four kilometres
                                                        Terminals, Operations &     from the terminal, DP World
                                                        Commercial, Middle East,    Mundra leverages advanced
                                                        North Africa & Subcontinent,   technology and road and rail
                                                        DP World says: "By optimising   connectivity to northern and
                                                        our supply chain processes   central India.
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