Page 7 - ITLN-September-October-2024-Issue-for-Website
P. 7

n September 10, 2024, Abu                                   prime minister said during his address
                 Dhabi Crown Prince Sheikh                                   at the Global Maritime India Summit
                 Khaled Bin Mohamed Bin                                      2023 in October 2023.
        OZayed Al Nahyan, during his                                            While the prime minister is
        visit to India, signed an agreement that                             emphatic about the significance of
        soft-launched the work on the India-UAE                              IMEC, he also stressed the importance
        Virtual Trade Corridor (VTC) and Master                              of having robust port infrastructure in
        Application for International Trade and                              the country to support that.
        Regulatory Interface (MAITRI).                                          More recently, on August 30, 2024,
           While VTC aims to reduce                                          the prime minister laid the foundation
        administrative processes and time,                                   stone of Vadhavan Port near Dahanu
        reduce logistics and transport costs,                                in Palghar District, Maharashtra. The
        and enhance ease of doing business,                                  all-weather Greenfield deep draft
        MAITRI integrates multiple Indian                                    major port will be constructed by
        operational portals to facilitate       If India builds larger       the Vadhavan Port Project (VPPL),
        interfacing with UAE portals.          ports with deeper drafts      an SPV formed by Jawaharlal
           The significance of these key       that can accommodate          Nehru Port Authority (JNPA) and
        developments is that both are under    vessels with capacities       Maharashtra Maritime Board (MMB)
        the framework agreement between                                      with a shareholding of 74 and 26
        India and the UAE on the India-Middle   of up to 24,000 TEUs.        percent respectively. The total project
        East-Europe Economic Corridor           This will benefit us by      cost, including the land acquisition
        (IMEC), which was signed along with     potentially reducing         component, is ₹76,220 crore. This
        the United States, Saudi Arabia, the   freight rates, as larger      will include the development of core
        European Union, Italy, France and    vessels contribute to more      infrastructure, terminals and other
        Germany on the sidelines of the G20   stable and cost-effective      commercial infrastructure in public-
        Summit in New Delhi exactly a year                                   private partnerships (PPP) mode.
        before in September 2023.                     shipping.                 “It will be the largest container port
           The IMEC comprises an eastern          Naveen Prakash             in the country. It will also be one of the
                   corridor connecting India    Global Logistics Solutions   most significant ports in the world in
                    to the Gulf region and                                   terms of depth. Thousands of ships
                    a northern corridor                                      will dock here, and containers will be
                  connecting the Gulf region to   This route had become the basis for   handled, transforming the economic
             Europe. It will include a railway and   the development of many countries of   landscape of the entire region. The
            ship-rail transit network and road   the world. Now this historical corridor   government will also connect the
          transport routes.                will also transform the picture of   Vadhavan Port with rail and highway
           Prime Minister Narendra Modi later   regional and global trade. Construction   connectivity. Many new businesses
        emphasised that the IMEC will serve as a   of next-generation mega ports and   will start here due to this port.
        foundation for global trade for centuries   international container transhipment   Warehousing activities will accelerate,
        to come, and history will recognize that   port, island development, inland   and its location is a golden opportunity,
        its vision originated in India.    waterways, expansion of multi-modal   with the Western Dedicated Freight
           “Hundreds of years ago, the Silk   hubs, many such major projects are to   Corridor and the Delhi-Mumbai
        Route gave impetus to global trade.   be undertaken under this scheme,” the   Expressway being very close. Cargo

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