Page 10 - ITLN-September-October-2024-Issue-for-Website
P. 10

Cover Story

         recognised as a mainstream industry,                                   “If you eliminate dry runs and the
         causing financing difficulties.                                      need for a container to return to an
           “In India, the shipping industry                                   empty depot, the business of empty
         faces a significant disadvantage as                                  depots will decline. The essence of            Best of both worlds.
         it is not recognised as a mainstream                                 MatchLog is that it matches an import
         industry, but as an ancillary one. This                              container already at a location where an
         lack of recognition affects how banks                                export container is needed, either the
         view shipping assets. For example, if I                              same day or the next,” he explained.                                     DACHSER Air & Sea Logistics
         want to purchase a vessel costing $30                                  “If a transporter is importing a
         million, the bank would require me to                                Mercedes Benz, they transport the
         provide collateral of equal value, plus                              loaded container from Nhava Sheva to
         the vessel itself as additional security.                            Pune and then return it empty to Nhava
         To secure $30 million in funding, I'd                                Sheva as part of the traditional cycle,
         need to offer assets worth $60-65                                    with Mercedes Benz covering the entire
         million,” he said.                       If you eliminate dry        trip. Now, if I inform the transporter
           “Such financing conditions discourage   runs and the need for      about an export booking in Pune itself,
         business owners from investing in       a container to return        they could increase their revenue by
         vessels. In contrast, in countries like                              80%. Instead of just earning ₹30,000 on
         Vietnam, even a farmer can purchase    to an empty depot, the        the import trip, they could add ₹28,000
         a vessel with government-backed       business of empty depots       for the export trip, making a total of
         financial support from banks. This kind   will decline. The essence   ₹58,000, all with nearly the same cost
         of support is almost non-existent in    of MatchLog is that          as a one-way trip,” he added.
         India, making it far more challenging   it matches an import           Prior to founding MatchLog,
         for individuals or businesses to invest   container already at a     Taneja  operated container depots and
         in shipping,” he added.                                              provided custom clearance services,
           Jassper Shipping operates at        location where an export       gaining firsthand experience in the
         three major ports on the east coast   container is needed, either    challenges faced by the industry.
         of India - Kakinada, Gangavaram, and   the same day or the next.     This exposure led him to identify the
         Krishnapatnam. The freight forwarding      Dhruv Taneja              problem of dry runs.
         division of the company handles 800        MatchLog Solutions          The company has onboarded
         to 850 TEUs per month. The company                                   over 6,000 transporters across key
         also provides global shipbroking                                     logistics clusters in India, enabling
         services, handling around 2 million   Dhruv Taneja, the Founder and   them to improve utilisation and                       High seas and high fliers.
         metric tonnes of cargo per year,   CEO of MatchLog Solutions, explains,   profitability. Beyond India, MatchLog
         covering commodities like minerals,   “When a container is imported into   is expanding its operations globally
         metals, and agricultural resources.  India after the contents are unloaded at   through partnerships, with plans to         Whether you’re sending sea freight or air freight, when
           In addition to its core shipping and   the factory, the empty container needs   enter markets like the Middle East,
         freight forwarding business, Jassper   to be returned to a container depot   Southeast Asia, and Brazil.                    it comes to transporting your groupage shipments and
         Shipping has recently ventured into   near the port. Similarly, for an export   India’s ambitious infrastructure            your partial or full loads, DACHSER Air & Sea Logistics
         the last-mile delivery segment,   cycle, the empty container is picked   projects, such as the Vadhavan Port,               combines the best solutions from both worlds.
         catering to the growing demand from   up from a container depot close to the   mark a significant leap in strengthening
         e-commerce and quick commerce     port and transported to the factory for   its maritime capabilities. The
         companies in India.               loading the export cargo.”         agreements with the UAE and the focus                  Since we offer everything from global transport consulting
           There are also several             Taneja estimates that around 9   on solutions like MatchLog’s technology               to the operational handling of your freight on-site, you
         insufficiencies and inefficiencies in the   million containers are exported from   signal a forward-thinking approach to    benefit equally from the quality and safety of our air and
         shipping industry that are now dealt   India every year, and 50 percent of   global logistics. The success of these
         with by technology and its solutions.   these are empty containers moving   efforts could significantly influence           sea transports.
         For example, MatchLog Solutions is an   in these dry runs. These dry runs,   global trade dynamics, with IMEC
         Indian logistics technology company   where containers travel empty, lead   poised to play a pivotal role in shaping        Universal expertise.
         which aims to eliminate dry runs   to unnecessary carbon emissions   the future of international shipping.                  A world of its own: Our experts in the field are fluent in
         by matching import containers to   and operational inefficiencies in the   However, challenges such as
         export bookings. Dry run refers to the   logistics chain.            regulatory inefficiencies and financial                every customs language and are ideally placed to help
         movement of empty containers back to   Taneja points out MatchLog as   constraints must be addressed                        you navigate the global jungle of regulations.
         container depots after unloading the   a replacement to empty container   to fully realize India’s potential in
         import cargo.                     depots.                            international shipping.
          September - October 2024                                                          

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