Page 14 - ITLN-September-October-2024-Issue-for-Website
P. 14

             Logistics Policy

         regulatory framework with a strong
         focus on efficiency, sustainability,
         and, most importantly, digitalisation.
         A key achievement has been the
         enhancement of our TMS, which now
         provides real-time shipment tracking
         throughout the logistics chain. This
         has streamlined processes, improved
         service accuracy, reduced turnaround
         times, and elevated the overall quality
         of services offered to our clients."
           "The National Logistics Policy has
         been a boon for India in its aspiration
         to become a $7 trillion economy by
         2030," says Nikhil Agarwal, President,
         CJ Darcl Logistics. "Reducing logistics
         cost, enhancing infrastructure and
         trading operations in the policy are
         planned to make India as a global
         logistics hub. In the last two years,
         the policy has handled fundamental
         issues by leveraging technology,
         advocating for a multi-modal
         transport system, and enhancing the
         business environment.
           "This policy has been effectively
         implemented across diverse ministries
         and has provided the logistics sector                                sorting systems, digital warehousing
         with a solid foundation of structural                                solutions and GPS-enabled tracking
         improvements and systemic                                            can help streamline operations,
         transformations. The policy has                                      reducing human error and delays."
         provided unprecedented business                                        Sharma of Gati adds: "Optimised
         opportunities and supply chain                                       application programming interface
         enhancements through government-                                     (API) integration allows seamless
         led industrial collaboration and                                     retrieval of shipment details,
         stakeholder coordination, which could                                eliminating the need for inquiries
         help India actualise its dream of                                    through forwarding companies
         transforming into a developed country                                or external ERP systems. This
         by 2047. The changes in policy goals                                 advancement has significantly
         towards innovation, sustainability, and                              improved information flow and
         improving infrastructure are gradually                               transparency, thereby supporting the
         pushing the country towards a more     Measures such as using        goals of the NLP, which prioritises
         competitive logistics environment."      hybrid vehicles and         digitised logistics. These improvements
                                                  implementing route          not only enhance operational efficiency
         Tech challenges                                                      but also minimise disruptions within
         Technology can drastically reduce       optimisation not only        the supply chain."
         friction in logistics by improving    reduce fuel consumption
         real-time visibility, optimising routes,   and emissions but also    Is sustainability a concern?
         and automating key processes,        align with the NLP’s focus      Not really, says Sarang while adding
         says Sarang. "AI and machine         on green logistics, offering    that NLP can integrate sustainability
         learning can predict demand and       both environmental and         initiatives by encouraging the
         adjust inventory management              economic benefits.          adoption of green logistics
         while blockchain can improve the                                     practices such as electric vehicle
         transparency and security of supply        Uday Sharma               fleets, renewable energy sources
         chains. Furthermore, automated               Allcargo Gati           in warehouses and fuel-efficient
          September - October 2024                                                          
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